Chapter 20: If Only

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With a heavy heart, Miyako continued her day. She could not take her mind off of TriHime's challenge and the messages. Her schedule finished late at 11 in the night, but she did not return to the dormitory, making four males worry greatly. They waited through the night, and even as the next morning came, Miyako did not show up. The four members of QUARTET NIGHT tried calling and messaging her, yet she did not respond. They were finally able to grab hold of her whereabouts when they heard that she was called out to a press reference. The press reference was being broadcasted live on numerous channels, and the four idols immediately turned one of those channels on. Cameras flashed, and microphones were all around the female, ready to capture the scoop everyone was waiting for.

"Do you accept TriHime's challenge?" A reporter asked, everyone keeping silent in order to hear the response of the female.

"I have talked this matter over with the members of TriHime last night and made my decision. I have also wished to face each other properly sometime. I will gladly accept the challenge," Miyako answered with a heartwarming smile. However, those that were close to her could see the truth behind her smile, her eyes filled with sorrow.

More questions regarding the duel live flooded the pink haired idol, who calmly answered them all.

"The live will happen two months from now, the exact date yet to be decided. The theme is up to the performers, but it must be something that will grab the audience's attention as they will be the ones that will decide the winner. Both parties will perform two songs each, and the winner will be granted an encore. Those are the rules we have decided on."

As the press conference ended successfully, and Haruka came running up to the four male idols.

"Have you just seen-" the orange haired female trailed off when she saw the expressions of the four. They had a serious and sad expression on their face, making Haruka worry further.

"Let's go," Reiji finally broke the silence. "At a time like this, Miyako is most likely there."

The five friends of Miyako made their way to a small building. Inside, there was a large stage, instruments lined up neatly. They went backstage and took a flight of stairs down to the basement, where there was a melody and the vibration of drums could be heard from a room down the hall. Reiji carefully opened the door slightly to see a figure playing the drums across the room. A speaker nearby was playing a song as Miyako sat playing the drums to the song. Haruka watched this side of her upperclassmen in awe. Miyako had a cool and charismatic aura around her as she twirled the stick in her hand while playing the drums with great skill. She could tell that Miyako was absorbed into the music and was beating her soul out. She was shining, her radiance something completely new to Haruka.

As the song came to an end, Miyako ended with a great finale as Haruka, now completely in the room alongside the four males, clapped at the great performance. Miyako looked up, and then quickly turned her gaze to the side. Her expression seemed pained but she  put on a smile.

"How did you manage to find me?" She asked, making her way to the middle of the room where the others stood.

"You come here whenever something is bothering you and you need to clear your mind," Ranmaru commented. Silence fell. "What exactly happened, Miyako?" He asked, his voice calm and quiet.

"Shall we sit down and get something to drink first?" Miyako gave them a sad grin before leading them to a smaller room. Haruka observed the place. The room had comfy sofas and chairs around a coffee table in the centre, a small bed and bookshelves, filled with books of music sheets lined the walls. They sat down as Miyako brought in a tray full of cups of green tea and cookies.

"We have seen the press reference, but we don't think that is all there is to it. What did they tell you?" Reiji spoke up, only to be met by silence and Miyako's sad expression.

"I have revealed all to the public during the press reference. There is nothing more to it." Miyako muttered.

"You're lying. I can tell," Mikaze looked straight into the eyes of Miyako and examined, his voice monotone. "You know you can't lie to me, Miyako."

Silence fell once again and the atmosphere became tense. Without saying a word, Miyako took out her phone placed it on the table. She showed the other five the messages she had received yesterday.

"This is-" Camus muttered under his breath.

"How horrible, deciding that on their own," Reiji added. Miyako looked over to Ranmaru who looked unaffected. He closed his eyes without a word. He had a calm expression, but Miyako knew he was shaking inside.

Just then, Miyako's phone rang, and she picked it up. Before she even got the chance to say hello, a familiar voice cut her off and sent shivers down her spine.

"Come down to the Harumoto Park in fifteen minutes." The voice commanded, and with that, the phone cut off. Miyako frowned and stood up.

"Sorry, it looks like I need to go somewhere," she explained while rushing to the door. Reiji called out her name and Miyako stopped at the door, her hand on the handle.

"Don't worry. I'll go back to the dorms today," she murmured without turning back. There was a lot the others wanted to say, but the tone of Miyako's voice froze them in place as she walked out the door.

The park was not too far but the traffic was horrible. As Miyako stepped outside, she observed the busy roads and heavy traffic.

"It would be quicker to run there," she murmured to herself before putting on her hood. She then started running at a fast but stable pace, which was not hard as she conditioned herself daily. Miyako arrived at the park with two minutes to spare. She looked around and plopped down onto a bench under a large tree. Her spacious hood blew in the breeze and she tucked her hands into the pocket of her sweater. She closed her eyes, enjoying the peace while she could.

The calming break was disturbed by the voice of a girl.

"You're actually here~" A cute voice remarked, her tone slightly mocking. Miyako looked up to see three females surrounding her. They were the members of TriHime, each wearing expensive looking clothes with matching necklaces.

"Miyako Hikaru. No, should I say, Fujioka Eria Miyako, lady of sorrow and misfortune?" Mio spoke up, her arms crossed an a smirk on her face. Miyako's face darkened as she glared at the brown haired girl.

"Do not refer to me by that name." Miyako's tone was serious and heavy, unlike the other girl's playful and mocking tone. She stood up and looked at the leader of the group straight in the eye. Even though Mio wore high heels, Miyako was taller than the petite female, causing Mio to step back a bit.

"You know, for our battle, I would have loved it if your precious best friend was participating too~" Mio's tone made Miyako furious, although she did an excellent job keeping it hidden. "What was her name again? Ah, right...Honoka Mai. Too bad she will miss all the fun. If only she were alive..."

Mio paused, and what she said next caught Miyako by surprise. As soon as Mio blurted it out, Miyako felt dizzy and alarmed. Her eyes widened and she almost lost her balance. The same sentence kept repeating over and over again in her head.

"If only you didn't kill her."

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