Chapter 32: Truth

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The moon was high in the sky, but dark clouds covered the indigo sky. Ryuu walked through a forest, climbing over thick roots and ducking under low branches. This forest was far from the city and in the middle of nowhere, and no vehicle could pass through. The trees were laced together so firmly that not even a single ray of sun or moonlight seeped in, giving it the air of a haunted forest. Not many people bothered to get close to this forest and almost no one knew about its secret.

This forest was a maze. One wrong turn could lead you to a never ending abyss of darkness. However, to those who knew the way, at the core of this forest, beyond the trees and rough grounds, a large flower field welcomes them like an oasis in a burning desert. This field was so spacious that a few steps in, no mores trees stood in the way of a beautiful view of the sky.

Ryuu strolled across the field of white flowers, slowly making his way over to the centre of the flowerbeds.

"I figured you would be here," he called out to the field of flowers which seemed unoccupied by any other. After a few moments, the sound of plants shuffling could be heard from a few metres away. Long magenta locks poked up amongst the tall flowers, flowing as a quick breeze flew by. The owner of the pink hair stayed in a sitting position, one leg stretched out as the other was pulled back towards her upper body, the same side arm hung over her knee. She stared in the opposite direction of the male that now approached and took a seat by her side.

"How did you know that I was here?" Miyako asked, her voice quiet.

"You were always here. When I first met you, when I first heard you sing, even..," The boy paused for a minute before continuing, "on that day."

The female said nothing and continued to divert her gaze.

"Are you planning on run away again?" Ryuu asked, his voice light but serious. "Just like..when she, my sister died?"

No answer.

Ryuu kept his gaze focused on the back of Miyako's head, hoping that she would eventually turn around to face him. After a long while of absolute silence, Ryuu gave up and let out a sigh as he looked away.

"If you don't want to go back, I won't force you. Akio even offered to let you stay over at his house for the time being," His voice was now much more tender and caring. "But promise me one thing. Don't run away. Fight for what is important to you."

Miyako didn't reply.

Ryuu kicked back and let the cool plants embrace him. He tucked his arms under his head like a pillow and looked straight up towards the cloudy sky.

"I kinda wished that it was clear tonight," he muttered. "I like that the stars can be seen so clearly here."

"It was clear yesterday night," Miyako joined Ryuu's gaze towards the dark sky.

"I miss those days. We used to look at the stars all the time. The four of us all together."

Miyako smiled softly, recalling all of the sweet memories she had made in those fields.

"Do you remember? This was where we made our band, where we met to practice when we didn't have money to rent a studio."

"How could I forget?" Miyako replied quietly.

The Goddess of Music [UtaPri fanfic]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora