Chapter 31: Intended Murder?

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A week had passed since Miyako's awakening. The idol was in her car, a new black van, moving from place to place. Her schedule was no longer cramped down to every minute, giving her more time to relax as the car traveled to her next destination. In fact, she had a lot of free time lately, unlike her three rivals who got busier than ever.

After her last work was done for the day, Miyako headed straight home. The sun still sat high in the sky, illuminating the world brightly. As the idol reached the door to the dorms, she looked back up at the cloudless, bright blue canvas far above her.

After a moment of appreciating the nice weather, Miyako stepped into the dorms. The empty entrance hall seemed cold, dark, and lonely, unlike the days when there were always a group of people present, causing a ruckus and welcoming the female back.

The pink haired idol decided that she had to do something about it. She headed over to a large board in the back of the living room, where everyone's daily schedules were posted. Miyako quickly scanned the timetables before noticing exactly what she needed.

"Perfect," she muttered as she headed over to the kitchen.

Miyako opened the fridge to see minimal resources of food. She was not surprised, as her dormmates ate outside for the majority of the time, unable to make it back to the dorms in between their busy schedules.

"Just a bit over four hours?" Miyako glanced at the clock to see how much time she had.

Luckily, there was a small but handy convenience store not too far away. Miyako arrived back into the dorm in a few moments, white plastic bags full of ingredients in her hands and hung on her forearms. She turned on the lights in the living room which was connected to the dining room along with the kitchen where she placed her bags down on the grey, polished stone counter and got straight to work.

A few hours later, the sun created a line of red in the horizon and the bile of the sky became a beautiful purple. Haruka entered the dorms to be greeted by a delightful scent and a group of familiar people around the dining table. The members of STARISH, who had arrived at different times prior to their composer's arrival, noticed the return of the short haired girl and waved her over to the table where they sat.

Placed in a aesthetically pleasing manner, refined dishes of food fitting for a high-class dinner party decorated the table. White and red laced tablecloths were perfectly straightened and the plates looked expensive, made from the highest quality of white glass with golden rims. Even the cutlery seemed polished, clean enough to see a clean reflection on the silver metal.

"Wow, what is this?" Haruka could not keep her jaw closed as she eyed the food, from a tower of sandwiches to mashed potatoes and gravy, accompanied with a large stuffed turkey in the centre, followed by a vegetable salad with a variety of dressings to choose from. To end the chain of gourmets, a three-staged circular platter full of sweet desserts glittered. On the very top layer, there were macarons, pastel and vibrant, arranged by the colours of the rainbow. The middle plate held mini bite-size cakes, ranging from cheesecakes to molten lava cakes, and the bottom was full of red velvet cupcakes with sour cream icing in the form of flowers.

"Is it someone's birthday?" The orange haired female asked her friends, confused at the sudden beautiful display.

"Nope," Haruka's mentor answered while appearing from the kitchen with bottles of carbonated drinks. She put down the bottles on the table before motioning at the others to take a seat. "I had a lot of free time with nothing to do and when I checked everyone's schedules, they all ended near dinnertime, so I figured why not?"

"Did you make all of this?" The composer exclaimed, still awestruck.

"Well I was planning to, but unfortunately, I ran out of time so the desserts are store-bought," Miyako explained, "Natsuki returned earlier than expected so he helped out by going to get them for me."

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