What is anime? (A/N at the end)

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~Y/N P.O.V~
It was about 2 hours and I finally am done talking to Fury about why I'm here! "(Y/N)!" I look over to see Ariana standing next to a vary tall muscular guy "Hi Ariana! Who's your FRIEND?" He face turned a bit red, I can't help but chuckle "This is if you do not know! Is Steve Rogers or A.K.A Captain America, Steve (Your FullName) this is who you, me and Sam will be watching over" Steve extended his hand towards me. "Vary nice to meet you Miss.(Y/L/N) I hope we can become friends" Ahh now I see why she might like him. He might be the only one besides me who could actually handle her...maybe. "Vary nice to meet you Steve! Oh Ariana that reminds me, are we still on for Hetalia marathon tonight?" Her face literally light up "Yea! If course it will have to be here but yea we are soo SOOO on!" Aww poor Steve he looks so confused "What's He-Hetalia?" "It's a Anime" "What's anime?" Ariana's face dropped as if someone stole her jelly beans "Ariana do not panic!" "How can I not! One of my best guy friends doesn't know anime! I mean I know it's not your fault but still it hurts!" Steve had a nervous smile "Is she ok?" "Hm? Oh Ariana? Yea she'll be fine...in fact why don't you join us? Anime is basically Japanese cartoons but they are really good" "Y/N! That's a wonderful idea!..unless you have other plans.." "No I'm free tonight, I would live to join you two. Can Sam come?" I nodded "Yea sure if you two are gonna keep a eye on me than why not" Ariana did her famous little finger dance with a big goofy grin "What time should we be over?" "Ariana's place here around 5:00?" "Sounds great! I have to go I'll see you lady's tonight" with that he left. "Soo you like him don't you?" "Shut up and let's go to my place..." We started walking to her house and I smiled "ARIANA GOT A BOYFRIEND, SHES IN LOVE WITH CAPTAIN AMERICA!~" Her face dropped dead "(Y/N)!YOUR DEAD!"

Hey guys so I hope you guys like this so far! So what I'm trying to do is give it sorta a funny but serious feel to it. So like the last 2 chapters those where like for intent a anime where they take a brake from the seriousness and have a funny episodes, but do not worry! You will be meeting your Bucky vary soon! Like I hope in the next chapter! But yea thx for reading and I hope you guys like it and have a wonderful day!
~The Jelly Bean Queen

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