It's Not Your Fault

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A/N: So this chapter and the next chapter are what is going on in the other rooms like this one is when Steve sees bucky and in the next chapter is what's going on in when you went back into the room after you told Steve to ask Ariana (a.k.a me ^_^) so I'm just gonna write they story now.....

~Steve P.O.V~

"That question was for you anyways so I might as well say it. You should really man up and ask Ariana out on a date today. It would make her day" I looked at her with a blank face as she walked back into Ariana's room. I blushed and start walking to get Bucky's file. Should I? I grabbed his file and walk to Bucky's room. I open the door to see empty food plates "Bucky?" He looked up at me "(Y/N) said you wanted to talk to me..and to bring me your file" I put the file on his lap and sat on the chair near his bed. He opened the file and started reading it. "We.where friends?" "Yea, we also fought together..till" He frowned "Yea..I remember you...I remember falling off a train. I-I remember killing all those people.... I shot that girl and kidnaped her friend" "That wasn't you Buck...That was H.Y.D.R.A " a few tears fell from his face "I still did it, I pulled the trigger on those people!" "Bucky come on, no one blame's you. not even (Y/N) or Ariana. Look Ariana gets out tonight..why don't we all hangout and talk they won't judge you" He thought about for a minute "Alright...." I smiled "Ok. All talk to the girls about it" I gave him a light pat on the back and left. I walked back to hear (Y/N) and Ariana laughing "what's up with all this laughter?"

So I'm sorry if Steve and Bucky are OOC :P

Bucky X ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon