I Was Wrong...

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~No one's P.O.V~

It was 10 minutes since Ariana left. Stark Had a lot of alcohol already and poor bucky was very uncomfortable. You were in the corner not really knowing what to do. Steve was worried because Ariana should have been back by now.

"She's probably getting some candy or soda or more food, Steve" You try to get him to relax "Yea but after what happened last time I'm just worried". Finally, the door opened to reveal Ariana. "Sorry, it took me so long, I thought I should have gotten more food because there are 'MORE PEOPLE' Than there's meant to be" I smiled and chuckled "Still so sarcastic" Steve helped her with the food.

"Thank you, Steve" "Your welcome" Ariana walk's over to you and frowned "I can not believe this..it was meant to be the 4 of us not...how many other people are here....and poor Bucky looks at him, He's so tense with everyone being here" you nodded. "Yea" "Go say Hi to him" "What why me?" "Because I have to go make more food and drinks for everyone" With that she walked away into the kitchen. "

You let out a sigh and slowly made your way to Bucky "H-hi. I'm (Y/N)" You gave him a genuine smile. "Hi.." You sat next to him on the couch "I'm sorry about everyone showing up, honestly I'm really nervous about this much of people. But I thought if you could do it so can I" He slightly smiled "Yea....Sorry about shooting you and kidnaping your friend" "Oh please its fine, Over the years, hanging out with her" You pointed to Ariana "You get used to weird, random things coming out of no were" you both laughed. You started thinking 'He's not that bad of a guy...maybe I was wrong'

A/N: So things have changed again SOOOO i might be able to update 1 a week but follow my deviantart if u have one because im mostly on there. But for now enjoy!

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