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~Buckys P.O.V~

I woke up in a bed, not the normal place I wake up to. I notice a girl with (H/L) (H/C) sitting there. "Good Your awake. Now that you are you can tell me a few things" She smiled after she said that. I really don't know what to say. 'She's pretty..really pretty, wait now is not the time to think about how she looks' "OH! I'm (Y/N)....The girl you shot a few weeks ago." Oh.That's where I remember her from. This is (Hawkward XD) awkward. "Arent you gonna tell me your name?" "I don't remember my name." "Huh really? It says here that your name is James Buchanan Barnes, or what Steve calls you is Bucky."

-(Y/N) P.O.V-

I don't know why Furry wanted me to do this! This guy shot me! "I don't remember my name." Alright just act like you know everything and play it cool. "Huh really? It says here that your name is James Buchanan Barnes, or what Steve calls you is Bucky." I looked at him and noticed that he looked hurt and confused. "Look, I'm just gonna be honest with you. I just read your file and about everything that has happened to you, which is awful. if you want...I can just bring you the file, you deserve to know what happened to you." He looked at me and nodded "Could you also bring me, Steve.." At least he remembers Steve. "Yes, But right now he's doing something. I'll bring him in with your file. for now you need your rest and some food which someone will bring soon. " With that I got up and left.(You need to litsin to the song above for this part it fits the theme well) I walked to Ariana's room and I can not I repeat CAN. NOT. BELEAVE. what I saw. She had at least 15 empty pudding cups, 4 Empty plates which I'm guessing had Pizza or other foods she loves, and A bowl of Jelly Beans "Oh (Y/N)! You came to see me!!!" I look to see Steve face was very surprised at how much she ate " much food are you planning to eat?""Till I make up for all the food I missed! they barely fed me!" I sighed then 2 question very good questions came to my mind. "Hey, Ariana...I have 2 questions, what did they do to you wail you were kidnaped?" She stopped shoving food down her throat and frowned "I really don't remember much....just that there were a lot of colorful liquids in some test tubes...but other than that I don't remember anything! I'm just happy to know that you came and saved me. You little (Y/N) saving me when I'm the one who has to save you butt" I laughed "Not from how I see it, Oh Steve I need to talk to you real quick." He nodded and we went outside of Ariana's hospital room "I talked to him. I told him I would give him his file, But he also wanted to see you so I told him You would bring Him it " "Alright I can Do that." I nodded and was about to enter Ariana's room before he stopped me "What was that second question?" I smiled "That question was for you anyways so I might as well say it. You should really man up and ask Ariana out on a date today. It would make her day" I gave him a cheeky smile and walked into Ariana eating more food.

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