A night with America

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-Ariana's P.O.V-

I watched as (Y/N) and Bucky walk out. I noticed a blush on (Y/N)'a face. She looked at me and I have her 'the look' she intently blushed and looked away from me.

"Hey Ariana?" I looked over and saw Natasha next to me.

"Yea what's up?" I asked happy that my BFF had a boyfriend now. She leaned in and whispers in my ear. What I heard crushed me. Only Natasha knows all about my past as being the mad and crazed Hunter.

"Are you sure? Because if this information is fails." I asked her in a serious tone.

"I'm sure of it. I made sure that it was solid.." I let out a sigh and looked down ,shaking my head.

"This isn't good.."

"What isn't good?" I looked up and saw (Y/N) standing there.

"Oh! Nothing important! Nat was just telling me about Starks drunken state." I smiled at her hoping she would believe me.

"You sure? Your face earlier looked crushed. I just want to-"

"Hey everybody" Crap. What is Clint and Tony doing?

"We thought we should welcome the new girl by having a drinking contest. Rogers not included." Tony said very loud. Ugh I never turn down a drinking contest! But Steve is here!

"Come on Ariana! We can take them all on!" I hear (Y/N) yell at me with a smile.

"I uhh don't think we should. I mean what if we all get drunk and we all are stupid enough to drive? I don't think-"

"Come on Ariana I've seen you drink! You can hold your liquor better than them." I gave Natasha a death glare.

"Fine...but only because you guys won't shut up." Boy did I grow to hate my self for saying that.

-15 minutes later-

It was just me, Thor, and Tony. The rest stopped because they didn't want to get drunk of there butts. (Y/N) keeps encouraging me to beat them...I don't think she knows how much Thor can drink.. So I'll stick to kicking Tonys butt.

"I'm gonna *Hicup* you Arianaaa!" Tony slurred. Yea he's drunk.

"In your dreams Tony!" Ok..I wasn't that far from becoming like Tony. But still!

"You midgardens are quite funny." Thor says with a smile.

"Yea well! (Y/N)! I'm to drunk to think of a come back! Do one for meh!!" She raised an eyebrow.

"I'm not about to insult the god of Thunder thank you very much." I rolled my eyes.

"YOURR SOOOOOOOOOO MEAAAAAN!! Tony just give up!" I look over to see Tony past out on the floor.

"I win!!" I giggle and clap my hand.

"But lady Ariana I'm still in this game."

"You don't count cause your a god. I'm not. I'm just an awesome girl!" With that I fell over laughing. I felt a hand pat my leg

"That's right Ariana. You are awesome" I hear (Y/N) say. WOOP WOOP I won!! Haha! Why was so worried earlier? Oh who cares!

"Steve I hate to ask this but uhh could Ariana stay here?" Uhh what?

"She came with me and I really want to show Bucky something and can't take her home nor can she come in this state" Me! Stay here?!?!? No no no no no no no!!!

"(Y/N)!!! Immm finnnnnee!!!!! I can get home just fine!" I see her rolled her eyes.

"Prove it. Stand up." Ughhhh!!! Fine if she wants me to then fine!

"Fine!" I sat up and slowly stood up.

"See! Im fine!-"


"What?" Why does she want me to move so much! I'm lazy!

"F-fine...." I stood there for a moment.

"Dang it (Y/N) you win." I feel on the couch.

"Point proven." I could just hear (Y/N) say 'I told you so'.

"Y-yea I guess that's fine.." Wait..did Steve just say I could stay?!?

"Oh thank you! I can come tomorrow to pick her up! Now Ariana be good..don't do what you did last time at Yolondas house." I blushed at threw a pillow at her.

"I'm not a child!!...ok maybe I am a little but still! And besides! Why can't anyone else take me?!"

"Ariana..everyone left 15 minutes ago. You pasted out 10 minutes after Tony did." What?!?

"It's fine Ariana you can stay I don't mind. I wouldn't want you going out in this state anyways." Oh Steve so nice to a girl like me. If only you knew..

"Fine..But (Y/N)! Don't do anything I wouldn't do!" I told her as her and Bucky headed out the door.

"I won't love you!" I let out a sigh as I heard the door shut. Ughhhh!!! Great! This is fantastic!"

"Ughh my head.." I sat up and held my head.

"Here." Steve handed me a glass of water.

"Thanks." I drank. Well more like chugged it down. I finished it and sat the glass on the table.

"Hey Steve.." I feel like I can finally tell him.

"Yea Ariana" I hear in say in reponce. Ok here I go!

"W-when Bucky was kidnaping me..he wanted you.. That scared me. Just thinking that you might have went threw what I went threw. I know that sounds dumb when your Captain America and you survived World War II and a plane crash." I blushed and looked at the ground. Gosh I must sound like a dumb child! Ugh I hate being drunk.

"I was worried about you to. To tell you the truth ever sense I lost Peggy I closed my self off when it ce to falling in love but. When I meet you. You just changed the way I felt" I smiled and put my head on his shoulder. I felt very tired.

"Steve...I" I never did finish that sentence because I feel asleep. But before I did I heard

"Good night Ariana"

A/N: so yea I thought that I would write about a fluffy moment with Steve and Ariana! Enjoy!

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