Fountain Falling

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-No ones P.O.V-

You and Bucky walked around the garden. He was nervous to be around you, he was worried about hurting you. You could sense his nervousness, but you couldn't think of how to get rid of it. Your mind started wondering. Then you remembered Ariana's fave when she was talking to Natasha.

"H-hey Bucky? Can I ask you something?" He looked at you with a questioning gaze.


"D-do you know what happened to Ariana? Like when you kidnapped her? She was talking to Natasha earlier and she didn't look so good." You say trying to push any buttons. He stiffness up a bit.

"Y-you don't wanna know." You looked at him. Stoping in front of a fountain.

"No. I do wanna know. I've never seen her look that crushed before. She said there was a lot of colorful liquids in tubes, I think in a sense you owe me. You did shot me." You said smirking at the last part.

"Your precedent." He looked at you smiling slightly

"Yes I know." You looked at him seriously.

"They tested on her. They wanted to re-create the super soldier serum. So they thought that Ariana would be perfect test subject because of her past and her family." You took a minute to take it all in. But something  didn't seem right, Ariana's family was all normal.

"Her family? Her mom and sister are normal. They don't seem to have ties with H.Y.D.R.A"

"You don't know do you?" He asked you shocked a little.

"Know what?"

"Nothing... Let's change subjects" Now you were confused. What didn't you know.

"Ok. How are you feeling?" You asked going along.


"Yea I bet. It was a crazy day. Let's-" you suddenly tripped and feel on Bucky, then he feel in the fountain. You both were now soaking wet. You looked at him and started laughing. He then started laughing as well.

"Your so clumsy." He laughed out.

"Hey! Sorry Mr. Grumps"  You hit his chest smiling. You got out of the fountain and helped him out.

"We should get you back. I need to get Ariana off Steve's hands." He nodded. You two walked back to the car, holding each other's hands.

A/N: HEY!  So yea here's this.... I'm sorry if it sucks XD but I wanted to make this book into a series and I'm slowly building the plot! And that's way there is so much mention of Ariana because she's gonna be what leads (Y/N) to reuniting with Star Lord your cousin. So with that being said! I need a name for what this first book should be called! Because the first book! This book is ending and then book two will start! So if you have any name suggestions please comment or PM me! Also! Today is May 4th...and I'm a huge Star Wars fan. So with that said.

MAY THE FOURTH BE WITH YOU!!!!          ~The Jelly Bean Queen (Ariana Hibbits)

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          ~The Jelly Bean Queen (Ariana Hibbits)

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