A Blast from a Shady But Cool Past

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A/N: FINALY!! I AM NOT A LAZY TATO!! Well I'm only writing 3 more chapters for this book (Including this one) then I shall write the second book! And I apologize for not updating :/ life if hard.

~Ariana's P.O.V~
If who I think took (Y/N) is true, this won't end well for me.... how can I let this happen?! I made sure that she would be protected! But sadly the past always comes to haunt you in the end. Now (Y/N) is in danger and it's my fault... Bucky looks angry at the fact that (Y/N) is gone. But what I can't get out of my head is. Who is (O/N/T/N/Y/N)?? I mean.... the way he looked when he mentioned her name.. looks like Steve when someone mentions Peggy. Was she like his Peggy? Who ever she is shes gone from what is sounds like. Right now (Y/N) is whats important! I didn't notice but we arrived where (Y/N) was kidnapped.

"Well?!? We are here like you wanted. Now who took her?!" I rolled my eyes at Bucky and looked around. She always left some sort of message or symbol behind. Last time she left a spry painting of my old insignia.

"Ariana. What are you looking for?"

"What gave you that impression? For all you know I'm just to drunk to think about anything. For all you know this could just be a waste of time." I turned and looked at the wall...There it is......I-is that....oh no.

"Because you care way to much about her. There is no way you would lead us here if it was for nothing. So come on wha-"

"Your right. But this is not in either of your S.H.E.I.L.D authorization. I'm sad to say but you two have to drop this. I'm calling in S.H.E.I.L.D. Things have gotten out of hand and as much as I want i cant handle this alone anymore....... This is all my fault." I put my head down in shame. If only I dealt with this earlier (I'm listing to Cry Me a River as I'm writing this in school :P your welcome! XD) we wouldn't be having this problem!

"What did you do that was so bad?" I hear Bucky ask me angrily. I sighed looking at my hand. An angry frown spread across my lips

~17 Years earlier~

"Hey Vi? Do you think we can actually do it? I mean..didn't the last two die horribly? and they where 10 years older than us!" I asked my best friend. I could see her purplish blue eyes roll.

"Ari! Of course! Look. Your more of the hide in the shadows and wait type of killer . I'm the up close and personal of person. With me actually getting up and close you can kill the ones not focusing on me. Besides the last two where both up and personal kind of people. If we follow the plan we will succeeded and you will have the money you need for your mothers back surgery" She smiled at me as we walked around the old worn down compound where we meet up for missions. As much as I want to believe her its hard. We are only 15 and we are already working for the most notorious gang in all of the west cost! I could here Violet sigh and put a hand on my shoulder.

"Look. I understand this is hard. Frankly I'm scared to. But if we do this, Think about how much cash you would have to pay for your moms back surgery! And think about how much left over cash you will have to move out of the crappy apartment! You and me both have amazing skills! and someone finally took notice! just try not to think about the bad outcomes, think about your future with your family." Violet always knew how to clam me down... Shes right! I have to only look at the positive outcomes of this mission!

~Present Time~

"Don't worry about it... this is my mistake. (Y/N) is MY best friend. I failed to protect her....  I was a fool for thinking I could have everything. " I don't know where she is... but my the time I'm done with them.

They will never cross me again.

-(Y/N)'s P.O.V-

"Your plan will fail. Ariana isn't that dumb. You underestimate her." I growled at the woman in front of me.

"Oh you dumb girl. I know her better then anyone. She'll come and when she dose, I'll have my revenge."

A/N: Hi... dear god it's uhh... been a while. I've had this draft for a while. So I just decided to pick up writing again cause I really miss it. So yea updates!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2019 ⏰

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