Chapter 2

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Levi pov~

Levi felt the brats eyes on him as he left the room. He closed the door behind him and followed Erwin and Hanji down the hallway. Damn this place is filthy.
He went to the mess hall and got himself a cup of tea before he walked back to 'his room'. They were staying in the Military Police's HQ, but they would be leaving soon. Well at least I hope that we're leaving soon.
Levi opened the door that lead into his room for the time being. He grimaced at the sight of the filthy room. Well what should he expected from the Military Police. They're a bunch of pigs anyway.
This has to be fixed right away. He set down his tea cup on the dusty nightstand next to the bed. Taking out some cleaning supplies that were luckily in the closet, he started to clean the filthy room.

Armin's pov~

Armin silently followed the raven  haired war goddess with the red scarf through the dusty hallway. Captain Levi would most likely end up making everyone clean this place up before leaving knowing how he is with dirt.
The raven haired girl stopped in front of a wooden door before knocking.
"Eren? It's Mikasa and Armin. Can we come in?" the raven haired girl said quietly. A soft muffled 'yes' was heard on the other side of the door.
Mikasa opened the door and walked in, Armin following after her. Eren was sitting on the bed looking sorta tired. Looking around the room, he noticed a tray with empty dishes lying on the bench next to Erens bed. Someone must have come in here before us to feed him.
Mikasa moved the tray over slightly to make room for herself to sit. He stood quietly behind her as he looked at his tired friend.
"You look tired. Did we wake you?" Mikasa asked quietly, taking Eren's slightly larger hand in hers. Eren kept his gaze down and nodded slightly.
"You get enough to eat?" Mikasa asked again looking worriedly at her adopted brother. He could tell that his best friend was already slightly annoyed by his sisters questions. It wasn't her fault she was so over protective of him. He's the only family she has left after all.
Eren nodded again.
"Are you thirsty? I can get you something to drink if you like?" Mikasa said trying to get more of an answer out of him other than nodding his head.
"Water will be nice, thank you." Eren said while looking into his sisters grey eyes. A gentle smile was on his face, sort of saying that he's fine and that she doesn't need to worry about him.
Mikasa gave a small smile and nodded. She grabbed the tray of empty dishes before standing up to go get Eren some water, leaving him a Eren alone. Their eyes met for a moment before he decided to break the silence.
"Receive any news on anything?" He and Mikasa still aren't sure if the military police are going to execute Eren. Their plan was to capture the female titan and get Eren away from here. No one in the Survey Corps wanted to have Eren executed. He was their last hope and their 'family'.
"Erwin came by earlier and told me that they won't execute me. Well at least for now." Eren mumbled the last part but Armin was still able to hear what he said. Well at least they can keep Eren longer. That's the good news.
But sadly, Eren is a titan shifter and many people in Sina see him as a threat to humanity. Even if Eren proves that he is here to help humanity and helps win this survival game in hell they are all playing in, they would still kill Eren just because he's a Titan shifter, no doubt about it.
Armin smiled softly at his friend.
"Well at least we can keep you longer. That's the good news." Eren smiled back at his blond friend. The door opened and Mikasa came in with a glass of water for Eren. He took it from her with a small smile on his face.
"Well they decided to keep Eren alive for now." Armin said to Mikasa. She smiled and her eyes showed relief. She nodded and turned her attention back to Eren who was now finished with his glass of water.
"I'll like to go to sleep now." Eren said yawning. It was getting late. The sun was already behind the wall. Mikasa nodded and stood up while taking the glass from Eren. She walked over to the window and drew the curtains so no light can come though the window to bother him.
We said goodnight before leaving Eren in his room to sleep. Together they walked though the dusty halls and parted as they went into their own rooms.
  As Armin walked through the hallways to his room, he couldn't help but think about the Titan he had seen inside the walls. He didn't mention it to Eren just yet. This is not the time to have Eren yell about killing all the Titans to revenge his mother.
  But still. A Titan in the wall? So many questions ran though Armin's mind as he continued to think about it.

Levi's pov~

It took five fucking hours to clean the God damn room. At least it was finally clean. Sighing, Levi put the cleaning supplies away.
  He stripped down to take a shower since he was filthy. He grabbed a soft black towel before heading to the now sparkling bathroom. He turned on the water and waited for it to heat up to his liking before hopping in.
  This shower however was slower than usual ones he'd take. Usually his showers take 3-5 minutes, but for some reason he couldn't stop thinking about a certain shitty brat. His sun kissed skin and messy brown hair and those eyes! Oh god those eyes were beautiful. The green-blue mix with a hint of gold if you look closely enough and his body is so lean and tall and perfectly shaped.
  He wanted to be alone with the brat for a while. He wanted to touch his skin that looked oh so smooth and run his fingers through that soft messy brown hair. He wanted to make him smile and laugh. He wanted to see him happy. He wanted to feel his soft lips against his own. He let out a small moan just by thinking of all the things he could be doing to him.
  But of course, how would he know if Eren even liked him back the same way he did. Plus that Mikasa girl is always around him and looking after him like a fucking guard dog. They might even be together for all he knows.
  He leaned against the shower wall and slowly slid down until he was sitting on the wet slippery tiles of the shower. Shit. What is this brat doing to me?

Hey fellow readers. I hoped you enjoyed this chapter. Honestly I'm feeling a bit more self confident about this whole writing thing thanks to my dear friend randomanimegirl101. Well anyway I would like it if you give me some ideas on what I should write and how you want this to play out. Thank you reading.:3 ~Animegirl


  All I really have to say is at least my old writing wasn't shitty.

Can't get you out of my head.( Levi x Eren fanfiction )[Editing]Where stories live. Discover now