Chapter 5

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Hanji's pov~

   "Right now."
  She smiled. She was so excited! She gets to spy for the angry little shorty! She couldn't wait! This was going to be so much fun!
  "Right! Now, where do I start?" She whispered the last part to herself as she left said shorties room. Hmm.... maybe she should start with Mikasa.
  She turned around and left to find Mikasa or some of Eren's other friends. She noticed most people she passed by were talking about Eren and Mikasa, causing her to stop and listen to one of the conversations between a few girls.
  "I can't believe Mikasa almost fucked Eren last night."
  "Me neither."
  "So does that mean they're together now?"
  "I thought they were siblings?"
  "No. Mikasa was adopted."
  "But they're still siblings, adopted or other wise."
  "So does that mean Eren's free!?"
  "If he is then I call dibs!"
"Hey! No fair! I want Eren!"
"Fuck off! Eren's mine! We all know that he wouldn't go for ugly idiots like you two."
Jeez....a lot of people like Eren. Levi won't exactly like this. He has a lot of  competition.
  She then left to find some other group to spy on. This is good information for the shorty. It's a way to stay updated with all the shit around here. Who would think that the shorty would ever fall in love with someone? I never saw it coming really, but doesn't mean I don't think it's a bad idea. Honestly they would be cute together.
  "Hanji?" She stopped and turned around to face the source of the voice.
"What are you doing?" It was Commander Eyebrows... Erwin... Should she tell him about Levi and his... situation?
  "Umm...." She couldn't really come up with an excuse. Maybe she should tell him about Levi's crush on Eren. No. Levi would kill her if she does. He raised both of his bushy eyebrows in confusion.
  "Okay then, did you tell Levi about the expedition?"
  "Oh! Yes I did." She said excitedly. He nodded in response. 
  "Thank you. Now what were you doing?" Shit. Ugh... What do I do now!?
  "Levi, umm, wanted me to do some things for him." It wasn't exactly a lie. Levi wanted her to spy on people to find out more about the events of last night.
  "And what exactly would that be?" Really!? He really won't just let that go? Well he is Commander bushy brows... I mean Erwin.  
  "Umm... I can't exactly tell you that without Levi's permission first. I'm pretty sure he'll kill me if I do." Dammit. I sound to suspicious now.
  "Is that so. I'll just have to ask Levi myself then. I might be able to help you guys you know. Actually, he must be pretty desperate if he asked you out of all people for help." He does have a point.
  "Oh. Have you been hearing about what happened last night?" She asked just to get Erwin's opinion.
  "Yeah. I can't believe Mikasa and Eren would do that. Their paperwork says they are siblings. Adopted but still siblings." Erwin stated.
  "What?" He was looking at her funny. Was it something I said?
  "Nothing. It's just that you would usually be hyper and excited about something like this." Oh shit!
  "Haha yeah right. I uh have to go now. Levi would want me to get back to work." He nodded slowly aa I quickly left to find Mikasa.

Erwin's pov~

  Hmm, she's acting weirder than usual. Well I'm probably going to get answers from Levi. He walked down to Levi's office. He wanted to know what this favor of his was, especially when it's making Hanji act this weird. He knocked on Levi's door three times once he got there.
  "Name and business."
  "Erwin. I want to talk to you about something."
  "Tch" He opened the door and stepped in. Levi was at his desk looking at the paperwork he had told him to do."What is it." he said in an annoyed tone.
  "I ran into Hanji a couple minutes ago. She said she was doing you a favor and was acting weirder than usual. When I asked what the favor was, she said if she told me what it was, you would probably kill her. I want to know what that favor is. And that's a command." Levi put his paper down enough for Erwin to see the glare he was giving him.
  "No." He focused his gaze back to the paper.
  "I might be able to help Levi. I was surprised when Hanji said that she was doing a favor for you. You must be pretty desperate if you asked her out of all people for help." He noticed Levi tensed up at that statement. He waited for Levi to respond.
  Levi sighed and put his paper down.
  "I don't know what you can exactly do to help, but I guess telling you won't exactly hurt." Levi kept his gaze away from him. "Hanji is out spying on people for me."
  "Why?" Now he was confused.
  "Well as Commander, I'm guessing you've heard about what happened last night."
  "Yeah. Mikasa and Eren almost fucked. Why do you even care in the first place?" He noticed Levi tense up slightly again as he let out a sigh.
  "I have a crush on Jeager okay!"He didn't expect that to come from his friends mouth. Levi, humanities strongest soldier, was in love with Eren, humanities last hope? Well this is interesting.
"Okay then. I'll do what I can."
"Thank you?" Levi said in slight confusion from my quick acceptance and agreement to help. However he didn't fail to notice the relief flash in Levi's silver eyes. He nodded in response.
"Anything for a friend." He was still in slight shock about his friends confession, but he was still willing to help.
  "LLLLEEEVVVVIIII!" Hanji then burst though the doors. "Oh, hi Erwin. Do you, ah, you know?"
  "Yes. I can't do much but I am still going to help." Hanji nodded excitedly with a huge grin on her face.
  "Anyway. Mikasa's sulking."
  "Why is she sulking? Didn't she almost get laid by Eren last night?" He asked in confusion. He could tell Levi was also slightly confused but he could also see the happiness and relief in his eyes.
  "I don't know the whole story. I should probably ask Eren since Mikasa wouldn't say anything about it. Oh and I heard some people talking about it also. Some girls were talking about why they would do that since Mikasa is Eren's adopted sister."
  "Why would they do that. You can't exactly be in a sexual relationship with your sibling, adopted or not." Levi stated and Hanji nodded in agreement.
  "That's what I was thinking when I first heard it. People were also questioning about their relationship now. They're calling dibs and fighting over Eren now." Hanji said with a thoughtful and amused look.
  "Hanji, go ask Eren about it. Say it has something to do with his titan powers or something like that. I want to know his side of the story and have some more details on this." Hanji nodded and left, leaving Erwin and Levi alone together once again.
  "Well, keep me updated on this. I will help when I can. You have my full support." Levi nodded before Erwin turned and left Levi's office.

Can't get you out of my head.( Levi x Eren fanfiction )[Editing]Where stories live. Discover now