Chaper 4

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Mikasa's pov~
  "I'm gay and I love captain Levi!"
My eyes snap open as I felt my heart shatter. I moved away from Eren. His eyes where closed, bracing himself for the the worst.
  I told him I wouldn't get mad, that he could tell me anything. But this, this was not what I expected. He, Eren Jeager, the boy I loved and protected for years, is telling me that he loves that evil, tiny, abusive, clean freak!
  What did I do wrong!? This can't be happening!? This is all just a bad dream!? Eren could never love him!? Never! Let alone be gay. He definitely doesn't look like the kind of person who would be gay! No, not okay! It has to be a dream. Has to...
  But... this isn't a bad dream. This isn't a joke. This is really happening. The pain, the heartbreak... It's all real... and I have never experienced anything more painful than this.
  Tears formed in my eyes as I gasped. Covering my mouth with my hand, I began to sob. I didn't want to cry in front of him. I wanted to stop, but I couldn't. I couldn't stop. This pain was endless.
  "M-Mikasa..." Eren's voice was laced with sorrow and regret. He didn't want me to find out this way, but I did. He let it slip out between his lips. Those, soft lips that should be all mine.
  I couldn't take it anymore. I closed the distance between us once again and his soft lips met mine. It was the best feeling ever and they were so sweet! I couldn't get enough.
  Screw Levi and Eren's crush on him! Screw Eren being gay! I was going to make him mine! I was going to make him love me the same way I love him! I will turn him at least bi.
  Eren tried fighting back, but I was always the stronger one and I pinned him down easy, still attacking his sweet sweet lips. Finally I pulled back, but only for air, slightly panting. A trail of saliva connected our lips.
   "M-Mikasa stop! Don't do this!" He pleaded, but I ignored his pleading and attacked his neck with kisses and small nips. He lets out a low moan once I found his sweet spot. Oh god! That was the most beautiful fucking thing I've heard in my life! More! More! I want to hear it again! I want to hear him scream my name in pleasure! I wanted him in me right now!
I sucked on his skin leaving hickeys. He was going to be mine and only mine! He moaned again. God! I could live off that sound!
"Eren, I love you! I'm going to make you mine!" I whispered in his ear as I took off his shirt, my hands trailing down his well toned chest. He whimpered in response.
"Mikasa! Please don't do this! If you do this... I'll never love you the same way I've always had! I love you as a sister. Nothing more or nothing less! But if you do this, I won't even see you as a sister anymore!" I stopped dead in my tracks. I was so caught up in my own wants and needs and thoughts; that I completely forgot about how Eren would feel about all this. I said screw Levi and Eren's crush on him and the fact that Eren's gay, but I never thought that he'd completely disown me if I did this.
"I-I'm sorry Eren. I- ... y-you can leave now if you want. I-I won't tell anybody about your... your crush on the C-Corporal." I hung my head as Eren slowly got up and walked towards the door. He grabbed his shirt before unlocking the door. He left and closed the door behind him while I had my own mental battle.

Dammit! You let him get away!

No it's for the best. I can't do something like that to Eren.

But you were so close!

But if I kept going, Eren would never look at me the same way he always had. Actually, I don't think he looks at me the same way right now. He probably already disowned me.

Head still hanging, I let the tears start to flow. I probably just lost the only family I have left.

Eren's pov~

I can't believe Mikasa, my own (adopted) sister, would do that to me! He ran towards his room, mind flooding over with thoughts about what the hell just happened! He knew that she thought of him as more than a brother, but he never expected this of all things to happen!
He didn't want to cause her pain. He didn't want to see her cry. Actually, he must have hurt her badly if she actually cried right in front of him.
Now he felt really bad. He stopped running and looked out the window in the hallway. The moon light was shining brightly through the window. I promised I'd protect her and now it feels like I failed.
Maybe I should go back. No. If he does, who knows what Mikasa will do to him. He loved Levi, not Mikasa. He only loved her as a sister. If only she could understand that.
Sighing, he kept walking down to his cell or room or whatever you want to call it. He was surprised that no guard came to find him yet. He was supposed to be guarded and it was getting quite late.
He walked into his cell and laid down on his hard bed. Why can't they give me a softer bed. He stayed up thinking about what happened tonight and what might happen in the future. He thought of Levi. Levi. What would Levi think of this when he finds out.
That's stupid to ask anyway. Heichou doesn't care about me. Sure he protects me, but that's his job. Levi just see's me as an annoying little shitty brat, who gets into fights a lot and can't clean for shit, not to mention my short temper. How could anyone fall in love with me?
He felt his eyelids getting heavy from all of today's stress. Sighing, he let sleep take him.

Levi's pov~

  Ugh! Fucking Eyebrows gave me so much fucking paperwork to do! He was tried, he wanted to sleep. He needed to sleep. I already doesn't get enough of it.
  Plus the brat was driving him insane! He stayed up all fucking night thinking about him! He just can't get him out of his head!
  He groaned as someone knocked on his door.
  "Name and Business" He kept his eyes on the paper, forcing his voice to stay at its usual tone and waited for a response. Instead of getting a response, he got a smiling Hanji kicking his doors open.
   "LLLEEEEEVVVVIIIIIII!!!!!!" He put his papers down and glared at her.
  "What the fuck do you want now, Hanji!" He growled while giving her a death glare.
   "Commander Eyebrows wanted me to tell you that we got an okay for the next expedition!" She sat on my desk, smiling like the idiot she is.
  "I still don't see how that gives you a reason to kick my door down."
  "Aw... well this is the best part! Since we are going on this expedition, we can capture some more titans! I want your help to capture them so I can do more experiments! Especially now that we found out about the Titan in the wall." She looked at him with that crazy, happy look in her eyes. He frowned and narrowed his eyes.
  The Titan in the wall. How could he forget. Hanji already found that it's the same material as the female Titans hardened skin and pastor Nick is still being questioned by Hanji herself, but to no luck. But the expedition and capturing more Titans isn't going to do anything about the Titan in the wall. Doesn't have anything to do with it. Stupid four eyes.
  "No. Can you do me a favor please." Hanji thought for a moment before nodding.
  "Yeah. What is it?"
  "Go walk fifty feet away from my desk. Then stare at the wall and don't say a single fucking word. Okay? Okay. Go."
  Hanji got up and did what Levi told her to do much to his actual surprise. She usually doesn't listen to his orders if it's not on the battle field.
  "I d-"
  "I said no talking."
  "No talking."
  "LEVI!" He looked up at the tall brunette that was still staring at the wall.
  "Did you not hear what I said the first time. Not a single fucking word."
"LEVI! I have to tell you something! It's another reason why I came here to talk to you in the first place!" Levi looked back up at her, eyes narrowed.
  "I heard Mikasa almost fucked Eren last night." His eyes widened.
"WHAT!?" He quickly stood up, paperwork forgotten. Mikasa almost fucked Eren last night! When! How come he didn't know about this! He quickly walked over to Hanji.
  He spun her around until she was facing him and grabbed her by her shirt collar. She wasn't as afraid as the cadets would have been in this situation, but she was still scared on what he might do to her.
  But she was also satisfied with the answer she received. The rumor was true. She didn't make it up just to see how the shorty would react. But this was proof that the shorty really does have a crush on Eren. She didn't realize she was giving a small smile until he pointed it out.
"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU SMILING AT SHITTY GLASSES!!" He yelled at her. Was this just a joke to see if he really did have feelings for Eren? Shit! He really walked into this one.
  "I didn't make up the rumor, if that's what your wondering." He loosened his grip on her shirt. So it wasn't something she just made up to see how I'd react.
  Sighing, he started pacing around his room. What was he going to do? He just can't go up to them and give them hell about it. It would give him away. But he had to do something! No one was allowed to touch Eren other than him! NO ONE!
  Hanji was watching Levi pace around thinking about how he was going to fight back. Being the good friend she is she decided to come up with an idea to help him. Hmm... Yes I got it!
"I can spy on them if you want me too." She suggested. Levi stopped and looked at her.
Maybe I can use her. She is always creepy and crazy, no one would suspect that she was spying on them. Yes! I will use shitty glasses to get close to them and find out what's going on! For once, she is actually useful!
"Okay." He agreed. Her eyes brightened with happiness and excitement.
"Great! When do we start!"
"Right now."

Hey people! Animegirl here! I hope you liked this chapter! Honestly I wasn't so happy with writing the beginning of this chapter because I'm a huge Ereri fan. *Ereri is life!* I also wanted to use this chapter to test my skills on writing smut since I'm not good with that shit. So I hope you liked it. Remember vote, comment and share and have a great rest of the day! :3


Part of me wants to cringe at my writing. Levi and Mikasa just seem way to yandere...
and I seem way to happy...

Can't get you out of my head.( Levi x Eren fanfiction )[Editing]Where stories live. Discover now