Chapter 9

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~Mikasa's pov~

  I felt tears in my eyes as I watched the scene play before me through the window. Levi was kissing and comforting Eren. That should be me. I should be the one comforting and kissing my Eren.
  He was supposed to be mine not his. Curse him for taking the one thing I love most in this world away from me!
I swear, one day, I'll get Eren to change his mind. Eren will be mine.
Just you wait Eren, I'm going to get you back.


  I blinked before looking around the room I was in. I was laying in a bed. To the left of the bed was a window and a desk. When the hell did I get here!
  "Morning sleepy." My head snapped up to look at the brunette standing in the doorway. Eren...
  "We're leaving soon. I suggest you get up now." I jumped up and grabbed his arm before he left.
  "Wait, how did I get in here?" I quickly came up with something to say. I wanted to hold Eren like Levi did.  He's so warm and soft.
  "Umm, Armin and Jean carried you in here last night. You were asleep and it was Jean's turn for watch." He said blinking at me while he shifted a bit. Ugh, horseface!
  "Why didn't you help carry me in here?" I said blinking with innocent eyes. I didn't want to let him leave yet. I wanted him to stay here with me.
  "Oh. I was sleeping with Levi." I growled as I remembered what I saw through the window last night.
  "Mikasa. You remember what I told you before. You need to get over this. I'm Levi's and Levi's mine, no one else's and nothing's going to change that. I love you, but only as a sister. Nothing more, nothing less." Eren pulled his arm away and walked down the hallway.
'I'm Levi's and Levi's mine, no one else's and nothing's going to change that.' The words repeated in my head. Just you wait Eren, I'll find a way to make you mine and only mine. I would be the one to change everything.

Armin was riding next to me at the back of the group. Levi of course was up front and Eren was next to Jean. I just continued to stare at Eren's back remembering the warmth and softness of his skin. Skin that was touched by him. She growled softly.
"Hey you all right? You seem sorta, off." I turned to look at Armin who's big blue eyes were filled with concern.
"Y-yeah. I'm good, don't worry. I was just thinking."
"About what exactly?" I glared at him and he flinched slightly. "I-if that's alright with you of course!" He added.
Sighing I gave in.
"As long as you promise not to say anything." Armin nodded. "I was thinking about Eren. Last night during watch, I saw Levi and Eren. I can't help but think about how much I want to be the one in Eren's arms, not him."
"So to put it simply, your jealous of Levi." I gave I'm an 'are you fucking serious' look.
"No, I'm definitely okay with watching Eren and Levi make out in front of me." Sarcasm was clear in my voice.
"Well at least it wasn't sex." Geez Armin, when did you grow the balls to say that. Armin started laughing softly.
"Wait did I say that out loud." Armin laughed even more.
"No. It's just the look on your face when I said that gave it away." I narrowed my eyes at him while he continued to laugh.
  "What's so funny back there?" Jean's voice rang loud and clear. Both Eren and Jean were staring at us.
  "Nothing." I mumbled as I averted my gaze to adjusted my scarf so it would cover my mouth.
  "Come on. You can't be laughing so hard at nothing."
  "It's just Mikasa's face!" Armin said still laughing. If he laughed any harder, he'll fall of his horse. I rather push him off for laughing at me like that.
  "What's wrong with her face?" Eren questioned.
  "Just the way her face went into pure shock after I sa-"
  "Nothing! Nothing's wrong with my face! Nothing happened!" I interrupted Armin before he could finish the embarrassing sentence. Last thing I need is for Eren to think that I'm some sort of creepy stalker!
  "Said what?" Eren said puzzled.
  "Oi! Pay attention to whats in front of you, you brats!" Levi snapped at us, clearly annoyed. I growled at him. God I hate him.
  I didn't ask to be in levi's squad nor did I want to be. It was an order from my superiors. At least I get to be closer to Eren and get to keep him safe.

~Eren's pov~

I was worried about Mikasa. She never acts this way. Maybe she's sick. No. She wouldn't just get sick. She's never been sick during the time I've known her. It's like she immune to everything.
  We were in the long uneasy silence again that made me afraid of everything and anything. I just continued to stare at Levi.
  My beautiful, precious Levi that I would do anything for. I love him so much. No one could replace him. Absolutely nothing. Nothing can match his beauty.
  Mikasa comes close, but she's still not the same. She's not Levi. Levi is one of a kind. No one can be as sexy, scary, dominant, rude, OCD, small and badass as him.
Plus I only love Mikasa as a sister, not as a lover and for some reason, that doesn't seem to sink in to her. She keeps trying to make me hers when I'm not.
Why can't she understand that? If she was to ever be my lover if I didn't love Levi, then I would love her and protect her the same as I do now. Nothing would change, well except being a little nicer to her, but still. Nothing would change.
She could keep trying all she wants, but I'm not going to fall in love with her like I did with Levi.

~time skip and Levi's pov~

Some of my uneasiness went away as I saw Hanji's squad up ahead. Thank freckled Jesus she's alright.
I don't think I was ever this happy to see Hanji in my life. I sighed in relief.
"I see Hanji's squad up ahead." I said over my shoulder. The others immediately sat straight up with looks of relief in their eyes.
Eren and Jean raced over to them while Armin and Mikasa rode up closer to me. Hanji and the rest of her squad turned around and stopped once they noticed Eren and Jean. They looked over them to see the rest of us.
"I was beginning to think we were left alone out here." I said as we finally caught up.
"I don't blame ya. I haven't seen a single flare or Titan yet." Hanji said smiling. "I'm glad to see that we weren't abandoned or completely lost."
"Maybe we wiped out all the Titans!?" One of Eren's friends, Connie I think his name is, said excitedly. Hanji shook her head.
"I pretty sure we didn't wipe out all the Titans. There are way to many and a lot of land we still haven't looked over. They couldn't just disappear like that. There has to be a reason of some sort."
"It would be nice if we did though. We could finally explore the outside world!" Eren said happily.
"Eren, you out of all people know it's not that simple." I hated having to put his hopes down. He just nodded, all traces of hope and happiness replaced by sadness.
It hurt me, knowing I was the cause for his sadness. Hanji noticed and placed a hand on my shoulder.
"Well, I think we should go now. We could be being left behind right now for all we know. I think we should go look for Erwin and the others." Hanji said happily. Everyone nodded in agreement.
"It has been three days, today being the third. I think we should try heading back to the gate just in case. They could be heading back for all we know. We could run into them." Armin said. I'm honestly really glad that he's part of my squad. It's good to have the smart kid around. We never know when we're going to need his help.
"I agree. There are villages close to the gate too, so if it comes down to it, we can stay there and wait for the other to return if there not by the gate already." Mikasa put in. As much as I hate her, she's very useful to have around.
"And if we're lucky, people on the walls could see us coming and could open the gate for us too!" Eren added. I smiled softy at Eren which he returned with an even bigger one. He's not always stubborn and hotheaded. He could us his brain when it's important.
"Alrighty then. It's decided on. We go back to the gate. Let's go!" Hanji said and jumped back on her horse. Everyone got back on theirs while Eren stopped his horse next to mine.
Since we were in the back of the group and no one was watching us, I kissed him on the cheek.
"We'll be fine, don't worry. I'm here." I said quietly while Eren laced his fingers with mine. He cupped my cheek with his other hand and pressed his lips against mine softy.
He backed away and rode off with the rest of the group to the gates. I followed quietly behind him. Everything was going to be fine. We're going back to the safety of the walls.

Merry Christmas! I said I was going to post this today didn't I. It's my Christmas gift to all you lovely people.
And let's not forget that it's Levi's birthday today! Yay! 🎂🍾🎉🎈🎁
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday dear Levi
Happy birthday to you!

Have a merry Christmas and a happy new year. I love ya all. 😉

  Okay so it wasn't this chapter that I change a lot, that will be next chapter. Because I'm on the plane, I copy and pasted everything on notes so I can write and save everything without WiFi. I'm so smart wow.
Anyway expect pretty big changes in the next chapters. They will line up with the manga as much as possible so yeah. Let's do this you guys.
Also something happened when I switched these so things that used to be slanted is not anymore so... yeah doesn't matter

Can't get you out of my head.( Levi x Eren fanfiction )[Editing]Where stories live. Discover now