Chapter 10

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A/N- I haven't gotten to far in the manga's, so I have no idea what happens after that cliffhanger in the anime version. Just don't come yelling at me and saying
"This never happened in the manga's." I know, I just haven't gotten to that part yet. Just wanted to let you know before you start yelling at me In the comments about it.

A/N(8/15/18): I have read the manga and I'm changing like everything this point forward. Lololol
Say goodbye to the chapters you used to know and love, they're gone now

~Eren's pov~

We had been riding back to the gate for 2 days now. We ran into a couple more squads who had the same idea as us. Apparently something went wrong with the flare system and they decided to head back. However there was still no Titan sightings. The lack of titans was scaring me and everyone else.
The Wall was beginning to come into view now. It was tiny but still there. Everything was normal other than the lack of titans. Perhaps this was a glimpse at what the world would be like without them.
After about an hour and a half of riding, we made it to the walls. The garrison standing guard on the walls opened the gate for us upon arrival. Levi and Hanji let them know about the rest of the military group still out there and to let them in if they return. All in all the mission was yet another failure.
We settled into the base in Rose and waited for the arrival of any other squads. We stayed there for a good 3 days, most of the squads including Erwin's came back during that time. We were all glad to see them alive and healthy.
Levi was especially glad that Erwin came back safely and for some reason that made my blood boil slightly. I should know better than to think of Erwin as competition. Levi loves me and only me and I know that, so why am I getting angry over nothing?

Our days back from our failed mission weren't exactly peaceful. I was called back to the capital with Levi and Erwin. Hanji, Armin, Mikasa, and Jean came as well while the others stayed under Mike's watch in Rose.
I was expecting our call to Sina to be more about me being handed over to the military police because of yet another failed mission, however things took a much more interesting and very confusing and concerning turn.
During my last battle with Annie about a month ago, she had tried to escape over the wall leaving holes and cracks. We didn't think much of it, for it could be fixed easily. However, recently, when trying to patch up the wall, part of it crumbled off exposing the face of a Titan. To add too the confusion, Pastor Nick had even shown up with the warning of "don't let the sunlight touch it".
"What the walls is Pastor Nick and the wall faith hiding from us?" Armin questioned in worry. His blue eyes were filled with concern and shone brightly with help from the dancing flame that lit the room we sat in. "Hanji said that he would rather die than say anything more about it."
I sighed as I glared at the wood of the table in deep thought. My lips were pressed against my folded hands, elbows propped up on the table. To think that all this time, titans much like the colossal titan, have been living inside our walls and protecting us from other titans... it was absolutely crazy.
I knew there was a logical explanation for it, but it still left us with so many questions; the biggest one: what exactly does the wall faith know and why are they keeping it from us?
The survey corps has been risking their lives before I was even born to try and find at least a little truth to this unknown world, and here is the wall faith, with the truth we've spent so desperately searching for, right under our noses, disguised as some crazy religion that people thought nothing of a couple years ago.
To think all this time, all these deaths, all the people who lost their lives for this cause could have been spared. They could be alive right now with their families. Who knows, with the information they have, we could have already defeated the titans and be living in the free world by the ocean and exploring the outside world taken from us.
Anger gradually built inside me at the thought of everything we could be experiencing right now if we only had this information sooner. Maybe, just maybe, my mom would have never died back then, and neither would have Mikasa's, or Armin's. Marco would still be alive, Carolina, Thomas, Nick, Samual, Ian, Mitabi.... so many people would be alive. But they aren't and it's all the wall faiths fault, it's all the governments fault!
"Whatever you're thinking, stop it." I was brought out of my thoughts when Levi's hand rested on my shoulder. I didn't realize how angry I was getting from my thoughts and was now taking notice of all the red crescent shaped indents on my hands. I blinked a couple times to clear my thoughts before looking up at Levi, his hand still resting on my shoulder as if in reassurance.
"You can't change the past Eren. Things happen for a reason. The sooner you realize that the better." I frowned slightly before looking back down at the table. Levi let out a sigh before sitting next to me again with another cup of tea.
  Everything was already going downhill and I was kinda afraid to know what was in store for us tomorrow and the days to come.

Another chapter finally. Yay. Sorry for any mistakes. I am typing really fast and am also doing this at 1 in the morning so, yeah. I added my OC's in this, yay.
If you read 'my art' or 'get to know more about me' then you already know what Miki looks like. I don't think I put up pictures of D.J and Pip yet, but I did describe them as best as I could.
I would actually like to thank Kiingbloodpool for mentioning this fanfic on his in every chapter in his A/N's. You should check out his story 'the beauty of train with you'. It's actually a good story.
Well have a good rest of the day/night. Tschüss!

LOL ignore that because one, Nathan or Kiingbloodpool doesn't have wattpad anymore, I mean you can still read his stuff if you want because I don't think he deleted his stories. Also I may or may not be adding my OC's. They will most likely be part of the other military groups or even part of the other things like the Survey corps or possibly even Kenny's group or someone from Marley because why not. Either way, just know that they're going to die one way or another. They're just side characters that might get a couple lines/ introductions, but never of any importance.
If you want you can choose who becomes what like if you want certain characters to be a part of Kenny's group, Military police, garrison, survey corps, Marley, the rebels from Marley. You know like a fun little poll.

Can't get you out of my head.( Levi x Eren fanfiction )[Editing]Where stories live. Discover now