Chapter 11

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  While Eren and company were in Wall Sina, the rest of the Survey Corps were, in a way, having a break. The higher ranking officers in the Survey Corps however where fully equipped with their 3dmg and on high alert. They were tense as they paced the roof top of the small base they were currently occupying.
Mike, a tall man of few words and mostly know for his keen nose, stood alongside a blond woman. Both were looking out into the forest in the distance, waiting for anything to come out of there.
"Do you really think that Rose will fall as well?" The woman asked randomly. Mike stayed silent. She continued. "Once that happens it's sure to be chaos again. Only time will tell when Sina itself will fall and how long humanity has until we are wiped out."
"The fight isn't over until we stop fighting." Mike cut her off, his voice was deep and scratchy due to not speaking often. The woman frowned, still feeling uneasy. As a member of the Survey Corps, she was prepared to put her life on the line to protect humanity in case another doomsday were to happen. However she wouldn't want that day to be anytime soon.
But if course, in this hell that they live in, that's not how it works. Another plot twist awaits them and sooner than they'd prefer.

"Wall Rose has been breached!!! Titans are in Rose!!"

And the daily life of a scout begins.


I jumped out of my bed as Armin burst into my room with a loud shriek.
"What!?" I quickly threw the covers off of my body and moved to get dressed and ready. "Are you positive?"
"My Wall Eren, do you really think I'd make something like this up!?" Armin yelled at me before running down the hallway to wake the others up.
"Shit shit shit shit." I cursed to myself as I tugged my boots on. I grabbed my uniform jacket and did a quick scan of the room to make sure I wasn't missing anything before leaving the room and taking quick strides in the direction Armin had went.
Mikasa joined me as we walked outside to where Levi and Erwin were talking next to a wagon. Levi quickly glanced my way when he noticed me, but quickly looked away to continue his surely important conversation with Erwin.
Soon Jean and Armin joined us as we waited for our orders. At some point Armin started pacing, not being able to calm himself down. Finally, with a nod, Erwin left and Levi turned towards us.
"Load the cart with supplies. I have to get Pastor Nick, I'll be back soon." With that, Levi also turned and left. I frowned slightly at the lack of attention, but what should I expect? Wall Rose was breached, this is a serious situation. Many people are dying and many more will die if we don't help soon. It's no time for joking around. Sighing I followed the others to get more gas and blades and anything else that we may need.
Levi came back with Pastor Nick by his side just as he said. Nick however didn't look very well. He looked scared yet defiant and kept quite. He had a gray blanket around his shoulders which he held tightly in his shaking hands. Levi pushed him forward slightly. "Get in the wagon."
Pastor Nick didn't hesitate to do as he was told. Levi then turned to us. "Is everything ready?"
"Yes sir." He nodded and looked around.
"Where's Hanji? We're leaving now." His expression turned into one of irritation as he looked for his crazy friend.
"I'm here!" Hanji yelled shorty after as she came running towards us with Moblit following after her with his hands full of scrolls and whatever scientific thing it was that Hanji was doing before this. "Sorry I was late, I was examining something. I'll tell you about it on the ride."
"Please don't." Levi grumbled and I smiled softly at their friendship.
"Oh trust me Levi, you're going to want to hear this. It's not some random experiment." Levi rolled his eyes in response to his friend.
"Whatever, just get in the wagon."

"So you're saying that you think the walls are actually made out of hardened titan parts?" Armin said in disbelief. Hanji, serious now, nodded. Next to her, Pastor Nick looked off into space with a terrified expression giving me the impression that Hanji's theory was correct. "Wait so then if Ere-"
"NO! Let me say it!" Hanji quickly moved forward and put her fingers to Armin's lips to shut him up. Her seriousness was immediately switched over to her normal bubbly personality. "So that means that if Eren gains more control of his titan and unlocks the ability to harden then we can use Eren's hard titan body to cover up the holes in the walls!"
"I'll do it." I said quickly as I looked at Hanji with determination. Levi glared at me, clearly not happy with me putting my life on line without hesitation.
"Oh, I know you'll do it, it's more of a can you do it and without loosing control of your titan." Hanji was once again serious. I frowned and looked down. Could I really do this without a problem? No, I have to do this. I will gain control and I will seal the holes because humanity relies on it. This is my duty and I have to fulfill it.
"I have to do it. If I don't then humanity will be wiped out." Hanji and I stared into each others eyes for a while until she finally nodded.
"Oh this will be so much fun." She yelled with an excited smile. Levi looked at her with disapproval before looking over to me with uncertainty, clearly worried about me and the dangerous path I was going to take. I offered him a weak smile in hopes of reassuring him. He returned it however it was barely noticeable and brief.

  The sun was setting by the time we got to the outlier village of Wall Sina. People from Rose walked slowly along the dirt roads, their faces all holding looks of grief and terror. I don't blame them, they just lost everything. It was a face I had seen plenty of times. I myself had the same face the day Maria fell.
  With a sigh, I turned my back to them and walked into the room where we were going to work out plans. Moblit, Hanji's poor overworked alcoholic assistant, was spreading a map over the wooden table in the room. Hanji was with him, putting heavy objects on the corners to keep the paper from rolling back up.
  I ignored them as they worked out the best routes to take and sat down next to Mikasa and Armin. Pastor Nick walked into the room not long after with Levi following behind him. We watched him intently. He was holding his arms with uncertainty and his face held an expression of deep thought and guilt.
  "You've seen these people, these refugees. Does that perhaps change your mind on telling us what we need to know?" Hanji questioned him gently. He was silent as he looked at the ground biting his lip.
  "No..." he finally whispered after a long moment of silence and most of us groaned or sighed in annoyance and disappointment. "However.... I will tell you this."
  Everyone immediately perked up. Finally some long awaited information.
  "There is someone who will be able to tell you something. About five years ago she was forced to change her name and join the training corps. Her name is Historia Reiss, however you may know her as Krista Lenz."

It's been a while I know and I feel like this is shorter than usual and yeah I know I put Echo in here when she isn't even an Attack on Titan based OC.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter though and I'll try my best to update sooner. I have other stories to work on as well so yeah.

  Lol just ignore the previous A/N because obviously it's irrelevant to what's now happening in the story. As you can see I'm trying to keep this as close to the manga/ anime as possible now. I know there's not a lot of Ereri in the chapter but I'll try to fit it in the next ones somewhere. I promise. But yeah, so this chapter is out, didn't take me a year. Lol, well I'll see you guys next chapter whenever that will be.

*also if there are videos, that was just me forgetting to delete it. I use those just so I can listen to something while I write/edit because it takes me a couple hours to do both and I don't have any of those fancy apps where I can leave the app and still listen to music. If I forget to take it down, you can listen to it if you want, but it's not going to be anything relevant to the story and it's probably going to be hour long albums or soundtracks. Hope you guys enjoy alternative and Kpop Lolol

Can't get you out of my head.( Levi x Eren fanfiction )[Editing]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant