Chapter 6

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Levi's pov~
'I love you Heichou'
My eyes widened and my heart raced as those few words came out from his mouth. He looks at me with a scared expression. He's probably scared of how I'd react to his sudden confession. I didn't know what to say, so I decided to get up and open up the gate that separated us. He moved back, fear shining brightly in his blue-green eyes.
  I kept walking towards him until he was backed up against the dirty and cold brick wall. I cupped his cheek in my hand and did the thing I always wanted to do to him, I kissed him.
  His lips were so soft and they tasted so sweet. I smiled slightly when he started to kiss back after a moment of shock. I pulled back so we could catch our breath.
  "Good 'cause I love you too brat." He gave me a soft smile as he pulled me into another kiss. I licked his bottom lip asking for entrance which he happily obliged. He let out a soft moan as I explored every inch of his mouth. My hands roamed his body making him moan again.
I don't want this to stop. It feels so good. I felt a twinge of disappointment when he pulled away.
"Someone's coming." He whispered. I blinked at him a couple times wondering if I should believe him or not, but I still pulled back. Soon the sound of footsteps were heard.
  "Oh shit. It's Mikasa!" Shit! Does that bitch have to ruin everything!?
  "Eren it's time for.... LEVI! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE!!!"
  "First of all, it's Captain Levi to you. Secondly, If you didn't notice I was about to fuck your brother, so if you can please leave us in silence so we can continue..."
  "Like hell I would! Get out! Now!"
  "Mikasa." Eren sighed. "I'll be up in a few seconds okay." Mikasa growled, but sighed in defeat afterwards.
  "Fine then, I'll give you a minute, but if you don't come up by then, I'm coming back to get you." She glared at me before turning around with her arms crossed and walked back up the stairs.
"Tch." I turned back to Eren. "Guess we'll have to wait for another time to continue then."
"Y-yeah." He turned his head away to hide his blush. "Um.. Levi?"
"Can we not tell the others about this yet?" Why does he want to hide the fact that we are together now? Is he embarrassed of me. I frowned at the thought.
"Um.. Okay I guess, if that's what you want." Eren turned back to face him with a smile and a small blush on his face.
"Thank you Heichou."
"Tch, whatever. I have to tell Eyebrows and shitty glasses though. They knew about my liking to you and I promised to keep them updated on this. I don't want them trying anything stupid to try to get us together when we already are." Eren nodded in agreement.
"I didn't tell anyone except for Mikasa and she promised not to tell anyone so I think we're safe there. Anyway, we should be going now. Mikasa's waiting." Eren passed me and made his way up the stairs to the mess hall. I sighed dreamily as I stared at his ass. He's so prefect.
I silently followed him to the mess hall with Mikasa joining us as soon as we left the dungeons.
"Mikasa, you aren't going to tell anyone are you?" Mikasa adjusted her red scarf that she always wore, to cover her mouth. That thing must be filthy. Did she ever wash that thing? I cringed at the thought, glad that the two cadets were in front of me and to busy talking to notice.

~ mini time skip ~

  The mess hall was loud and dirty as always. Eren was sitting next to Mikasa and the rest of his friends. Mikasa kept her promise and kept her mouth shut. Shitty glasses was babbling about titans, as always, and Eyebrows was talking with Mike about the next expedition coming up soon.
  I would have to come up with a new squad. It was only him and Eren left now. That fucking Titan bitch just had to come and kill my squad. He'll have to talk to Eyebrows about that later.
  I felt eyes on me and turned to see Eren staring at me. His eyes brighten and he gave a soft smile once our eyes met. Mikasa didn't fail to miss the barely noticeable change in Eren's features with the cat-like instincts she seemed to possess. She narrowed her grey eyes when she turned around to meet my gaze and I offered a harder stare silently telling her to fuck off.
  "I see Eren's staring at you. What happened down there!? Oh you have to tell me!" He sighed and rolled his eyes before turning to the excited crazy four eyed scientist.
"I'll tell you later in my office okay. Meet me there and I'll tell you what happened." She sighed but still nodded excitedly in agreement. I gave a curt nod acknowledging her understanding before I took another sip of my tea.
  "Oi. Eyebrows. I'm going to need new members for my squad." He looked at me for a moment thinking before nodding in agreement.
  "Yes of course. Oh and Levi, Eren will no longer be staying in the dungeons. I have rooms open for him to stay in. I already asked Zackley for permission and he agreed though the military police think otherwise."
  "Well they can fuck themselves then. Zackley's word is final anyway and it's not like they're in control of us because they're the Military Police." Not like I would listen to any of their orders anyway. Sighing, I stood up to leave.
  "Levi. Show Eren to his new room please." Eyebrows said stopping me before I was able to walk away from the table. Sighing once again, I called for Eren to come over to the table I was still standing by. He blinked a couple of times before saying bye to his friends and getting up to join me.
  "Y-yes Heichou?" He had a small blush painted on his sun-kissed checks. I walked out of the room and down the hall way with Eren following behind me, staring at me confusingly. I stopped and turned to face him.
  "Eyebrows wants me to show you to your new room." Eren's eyes brightened as soon as the words left my mouth.
  "I have a new room! Like an actual room." I nodded in response. I was happy to see him so happy, but I kept my regular mask on. I grunted in surprise when he wrapped me in a long, hard hug.
Damn this kid is stronger than he looks. I could feel my cheeks heat up a bit while I felt Eren's hands trail down my body until they rested on my ass. I bit back a moan of pleasure as I felt his lips gently pressing against the pale skin on my neck. Thank wall Maria no one is in these halls right now to witness this.
"O-oi, b-brat. L-Let's wait until w-we are s-somewhere a little m-more p-private." I whimpered a little at the loss of contact.
"Do we have to?" He said with a whiny voice and a sad look plastered on his face. I sighed, not wanting the pleasure to stop but we were in a hallway and anyone can come skipping along blissfully and see us and there is no way in hell i'm letting that happen.
  "Last time I checked, you're the one who wanted to keep our relationship a secret and if that's what you want, then it's not a good idea to do something like that in a place where people are most likely going to see us." Eren looked down a bit, but nodded shortly after.
"Yeah. You're right." He looked up with a small smile on his face. "Well what are we waiting for? Let's go already!" I gave him a small smile before nodding and walking down towards the dungeon.
"Wait L- I mean Heichou, I thought I had a new room? Why are going down to the dungeon?"
"So you can go get your stuff. I'll be back soon. I don't think Eyebrows realized that he never told me where your new room is. Meet me back here when you have everything. Oh and Eren. Call me Levi when we're alone." I waited for Eren to nod in understanding before I turned back towards the mess hall to find the blonde oaf.
I opened the doors to the mess hall and found Eyebrows and shitty glasses talking. Eyebrows was the first to notice me.
"You do realize that you never told me where Eren's new room is you dickhead." I said as I walked over to them with my arms crossed.
"Oh yeah. Your going to need that information if your going to find his room. He's in room thirty-five."
"Tch. Whatever." I walked away to find Eren once again. Room thirty-five huh. That's close to my room. Maybe this is his way of helping me. If that's the case then, and I'll never say this out loud, thanks eyebrows.
Eren was already in the spot I told him to meet me at, holding his stuff behind his back and rocking back and forth patiently. His gaze locked with mine when he turned his head toward me. Dammit those eyes are beautiful.
"Come on. Let's go." He smiled at me before he blithely walked behind me with a huge grin.

Can't get you out of my head.( Levi x Eren fanfiction )[Editing]Where stories live. Discover now