Chapter 8

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~Eren's pov~

It was quiet, too quiet. We've been riding for about 5 hours and nothing has happened. Not a single Titan, no route change, nothing. That had me scared. Things can't be this peaceful. It's the outside world!
I know the others felt it too. I can feel the uneasy tension around us. Something big is going to happen. I know it. I can feel it, but I don't know what or when it is going to happen.
  "Levi, do you think everything is okay?" Armin's uneasy voice broke the uncomfortable silence we've been in for 4 hours. I heard Levi sigh before he spoke, not even bothering to turn around to face Armin.
"I'm not sure. Anything could happen out here. Just stay sharp." Levi's tone was his regular bored one. I rode up closer to Levi's side.
"Heichou. I know you feel it too. Something big is going to happen." My voice is laced with worry. Levi looks at me and his features soften a bit.
I want nothing more than to be in his arms right now. Let his scent cover me. Feel his fingers run through my hair.
  "Let's not think about it at the moment, okay. I can't promise that we'll be fine, but I can promise you that I'll do everything in my strength and power to keep you safe. I won't let anyone hurt you as long as I'm still alive." He said calmly, a small smile on his face.
  I nodded slightly, lowering my head. His words kept playing in my head. 'I won't let anyone hurt you as long as I'm still alive.'  Oh Levi. If only you knew the the promise I made to myself.

~Levi's pov~

  Eren lowered his head after I said that I'd protect him with my life. Did he not believe me? I would put my life before his any day as long as it meant that Eren would be safe and had a chance to live longer than I would even if it's for a few seconds.
  "Eren?" I said his name gently. What a sight we must be for the other three. I could feel Mikasa glaring at me, probably planning the prefect, most brutal death for me right now.
  Eren looked up at me, sadness flashing in his beautiful turquoise eyes before giving a small smile.
  "Yes Heichou?"
  "You okay?" My voice was laced with worry. I never liked seeing him sad. My goal is to make him happy. Of course someone can't stay happy forever, but it's still nice to see him actually smiling out of pure happiness and not putting on a fake smile like he was now.
  "Yeah I'm fine, just thinking."  I sighed knowing that that's the best I'm going to get from him right now. I put on my regular mask as I turned around to face the land in front of us. I could feel Eren's presence leaving my side.
  I wanted to hold him and keep him safe from this hell hole we live in. Wanted to ensure him that he is safe. I wanted to fight by his side so we can live together in the outside world just like he wants.


  I was sitting in my office doing paperwork that eyebrows gave me. I stay up most of the night doing this dumb shit.
  I looked up at the door blinking. 'Who could it be? Eyebrows probably.'
"Name and business."
"Eren, I want to talk to you." Eren's voice came from the other side. 'Eren. Well at least it's not eyebrows. I'm not in the mood to talk to him. Wait! Did he say he wanted to talk to me?!About what?!' I pushed back the feeling of panic. 'Please don't break up with me. I'd die if you do.'
  "Come in." Eren opened the double oak doors to my room before closing them behind him. He had an old looking book in his hands, which I narrowed my eyes at. 'At least this isn't a break up...I think.' He sat on my desk and put the book down.
  "What's with the book?" 
  "It's what I wanted to talk about. When I was younger, Armin and I would always talk about the outside world." 'Oh thank the walls.' I leaned back into my chair as Eren opened the book and was pointing at different things and explaining them.
"Did you know that there is this huge body of water called an ocean! Apparently it covers most of the world and it's filled with salt!" Eren's eyes were sparkling with happiness at the mention of this ocean.
"Hey Levi." Eren was looking at me now. I hummed to tell him that I was still listening and to continue. "When this is all over, lets get married and live in a house by the ocean."
My eyes widened slightly at that, but soon went to normal. I gave him a soft smile. "Yeah, I'll like that."

Can't get you out of my head.( Levi x Eren fanfiction )[Editing]Where stories live. Discover now