Chapter 6: confessions.

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Sherlock walked home, but not with a confident stride like he always had. He lost Elizabeth, at first you'd probably think, why should he care she was just another girl from Scotland yard to help him on a case, but she was different to Sherlock, she was smart, bright, and only her ( or John depending on his mood, ) could make him smile or even if it were possible, laugh. He shook his head he was not supposed to have these feelings for someone he was working with. He got home and John was drinking coffee in his armchair.

" where's miss. Lee?" he asked. Sherlock sighed.

" she fell of the bridge, I warned her to be careful but she doesn't listen to anyone." ( another reason why he may like her ) John looked confused. A smile formed on his face.

" you're in love with miss. Lee aren't you!" he shouted. " you Sherlock Holmes, out of all people, you are in love." John laughed watching his partner.... Blush?

" it's not love, it's respect Watson." Sherlock turned red. " even if I did love her, which I don't, it would never work, she's little red riding hood and I'm the bad wolf." John chuckled.

" I never knew you could be so poetic Sherlock." he chuckled. " what exactly do you ' respect ' about her, you've only known her for 4 weeks."

" I respect her knowledge, she sees life as one should, just a beautiful lie and death as the ugly truth." he took a breath. " The way her eyes would light up and sparkle when she solved a case. Her soft, warm eyes that could melt an ice man's heart." Sherlock was in a trance, maybe he did like her. " she was so friendly to those who'd listen and were patient enough to push past her bitterness to enter her heart." John listened to his partners rant on how he didn't love Elizabeth, by naming things he liked about her, how amusing.

" Divorced to all feelings? You may have missed some." Elizabeth said coming out of one room. Sherlock took no hesitation in hugging her. She smiled and hugged him back.

" are you two planning on a winter or spring themed wedding?" John joked, Elizabeth stopped hugging, Sherlock tried to hide his blush.

" I'm going to take a shower, long day." Elizabeth said, Sherlock pointed to the bathroom. She walked past them and into the shower. They guys ready for bed, Sherlock heard Elizabeth singing in the shower. He chuckled and listened, " Hey there little red riding hood, You sure are looking good, You're everything a big bad wolf could want, Little red riding hood

I don't think little big girls should

Go walking in these spooky old woods alone

What big eyes you have

The kind of eyes that drive wolves mad

Just to see that you don't get chased

I think I oughta walk with you for a ways

What full lips you have

They're sure to lure someone bad

So until you get to Grandma's place

I think you oughta walk with me and be safe

Gonna keep my sheep suit on

'Til I'm sure that you've been shown

That I can be trusted walking with you alone

Little red riding hood

I'd like to hold you if I could

But you might think I'm a big bad wolf so I won't What a big heart I have

The better to love you with Little red riding hood Even bad wolves can be good

I try to keep satisfied Just to walk close by your side Maybe you'll see things my way

'Fore we get to Grandma's place

Little red riding hood

You sure are looking good

You're everything a big bad wolf could want

Little red riding hood

I don't think little big girls should

Go walking in these spooky old woods alone

What big eyes you have

The kind of eyes that drive wolves mad

Just to see that you don't get chased

I think I oughta walk with you for a ways

What full lips you have

They're sure to lure someone bad

So until you get to Grandma's place

I think you oughta walk with me and be safe." her voice was beautiful, he heard the water turn off. He walked to his room as Elizabeth came out in her pajamas. " night Holmes, night Watson!" she called. she laid on the couch.

" night Lee!" they called back. Elizabeth turned off the lights, 1:00 am they heard a scream and ran out of there rooms. John came out with a cricket bat, they looked to the couch which was empty. Some on left a note.

Don't think I won't

- JM

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