Chapter 7: search and rescue.

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Elizabeth woke up in a room, a light blinding her. Jim Moriarty stood in front of her. " show time." he cheered. Elizabeth winced, remembering how much fun it was to solve cases with Sherlock, it wouldn't be the same if he was dead, but Moriarty always kept his promises and she kept her side of the deal just incase Sherlock wasn't the only life he planned on taking to night.

" you didn't have to hog tie me you know." Elizabeth complained.

" it adds to the suspense." Moriarty confirmed. he took out his camera. " and action." he turned on the camera.

Elizabeth was an excellent actress. Elizabeth fake cried, though they looked and felt real. " Sherlock, you are watching a dead girl walking. Don't come looking for me it will only end in disappointment." Moriarty stepped into the shot.

" hello Holmes." he smiled. " what a beautiful colle- pet, you have here." he kissed her lips, she tried to shake him away, something about his acting didn't seem so gentle like it used to be, he was rough and was doing anything to make Sherlock mad. " it would be a shame if something happened to her." Elizabeth screamed bloody murder, Moriarty just stood up and stomped on her leg, breaking it. he then gagged her so no one could hear her scream. " you have 2 hours to come get her, you know what I want. And what if you come at 4:01?" he smiled and pointed a gun to her head. Elizabeth screamed.

" SHERLOCK! " her scream was muffled. She fidgeted in Moriarty's arms as he turned off the camera. Elizabeth cried, her leg wasn't the only thing broken, he took off her gag. " why?" she whimpered.

" I never break a promise." he said bringing her into a room and locked it. She tried to open the door but all she did was slam into it. She heard Sherlock and Watson run in. She tried to slam a chair against the glass door but a guard stopped her and held a gun to her head.

" where is she Moriarty?" Sherlock asked, more like demanded, his rage was bubbling to his surface.

" she's fine for now." he chuckled. " do you have what I want?" he asked with a wicked grin. John threw the back pack at his feet.

" you have what you want, now let her go." Sherlock sneered, Moriarty snickered.

" let her go!" Moriarty called. Gun shots were heard. Sherlock's teeth clenched and he punched Moriarty in the face. John ran up the stairs to try and help Elizabeth. He found a body, it wasn't elizabeth's, she was across from him holding a gun. She was shaking, John helped her down the stairs and walk away. Sherlock and Moriarty weren't fighting, Moriarty was on the floor, sherlock looked around.

" Sherlock! Come on!" shouted John, Elizabeth leaned on John for support. Sherlock turned and say Elizabeth and ran for the door, a gun shot sounded and the sound of a bullet hitting skin filled the air. Sherlock looked at Moriarty, who was standing, his gun was smoking, a shot just fired from his gun, sherlock looked at John, he was fine. He realized what happened, the shot was meant for Elizabeth but it didn't hit its target. John quickly grabbed Elizabeth's gun and shot Moriarty in the head, between the eyes. Sherlock turned and faced her, a red stain forming on his shirt. He held onto her shoulder with on hand and the other was on her cheek. He closed his eyes tightly, his breath was rasp.

" Sherlock no, your hurt, we need to get you help." Elizabeth choked out her leg began to swell, she tried to help him walk out but he tightly gripped her shoulder so she wouldn't move.

" no, there's one thing I have to do." he whispered, grimacing. He slowly leaned in, just before thier lips met another shot was fired into Elizabeth's back, she cried out in pain. He picked up her limp body and tried to carry her out but was shot down. John shot the snipers and ambulances showed up and took them to a hospital.

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