Chapter nine: Date in ( 2 months later)

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"We'll only be gone for a couple of hours, try not to set the house on fire while we're gone." John said to Elizabeth while looking at Sherlock at the last part. "Elizabeth you're in charge."

" don't worry I'll keep an eye on him." Elizabeth chuckled. "You and Sarah have fun." Sherlock scoffed and pulled his bathrobe around him tighter. John and Sarah left for their date, leaving Elizabeth in charge of Sherlock. This should be fun. she sat next to him. She smirked. " I'm in charge."

" congratulations." he sighed. She put her head on his shoulder. He softly smiled.

"John left us a movie, we can watch that while I make dinner." she stated more like asked, she knew he never really ate. He nodded.

" I'll cook if you want." he said softly. She looked at him in surprise.

"No, I got it, it's what girls do." she smiled.

"Is that what girlfriends do? Feed their boyfriends?" he chuckled. She smiled.

"easy with the smooth talking, behave yourself then we'll talk." she kissed his cheek, he smirked. She got up and started to boil the water for the pasta. Sherlock put in the movie and walked into the kitchen. He noticed the pot was making a hissing noise.

"should it be making that noise?" he asked. She shook her head.

"probably not." she chuckled. She moved it to another burner in it was just the burner. Sherlock put his ear to the pot and jerked back.

"ow!" he yelled, holding his ear. Elizabeth gasped.

"are you alright?" she asked, concerned. Sherlock smirked moving his hand away from his ear, it wasn't burned. She squeaked. "don't do that you scared the heck out of me!" she punched his arm. He kissed the too of her head.

"I'm sorry, I wont do it again." he winced. Elizabeth's attention went back to the pasta, which was cooked to perfection and put them on two plates and gave one to Sherlock. They sat on the couch and Elizabeth hit play. Half way during the movie he began to question the movies logic. "how could a dead corpse come back to life."

"the bite releases a sickness which makes the body temperature increase 100%, but the bite sort of like a vampire bite, cures them bringing them back to life but half of their brain is active. Now shut up Sherlock." elizabeth sighed, Sherlock looked at her in shock, that she knew about these sort of things. The movie ended another hour later.

" how could he turn human again after being dead? That made no sense." sherlock continued his rant, he was questioning the logic behind the movie Warm Bodies, finally Elizabeth had enough.

" remind me never to watch a movie with you again. And it doesn't matter the logic behind the movie, it's FICTION. It's romantic how love can change him. Maybe you can learn from him." he looked at her confused she seemed really mad, he didn't know why but he didn't ask because he knew it would just anger her farther. She sighed. "anyway it's later, I'm going to bed." he nodded and kissed her forehead before she went up stairs.

everyone deserves a chance. ( a sherlock fan fiction )Where stories live. Discover now