Chapter ten: Sleep, well almost.

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Elizabeth walked up to her room sleepily, she felt guilty for yelling at Sherlock but she was too tired to confront him about it. She laid down in her bed and pulled the covers over herself. She could her the tv downstairs that Sherlock was watching. She dozed off, an hour later she heard heavy footsteps come up the stairs. Slowly her eyes flickered open. "Elizabeth are you asleep?" it was Sherlock. she took in a deep breath.

"I was." she sighed, then heard the creaking of the wooden floor boards and felt the bed sink with his weight. She could feel his warm torso against her back as he climbed under the covers with her. He put his arm around her waist and pulled her closer to him. She softly smiled and moved her head so they looked each other in the eye and their faces were inches away from each other. He smiled back.

" you're freezing." her skin was practically ice. She nodded with a sigh.

"you're just noticing that now?" she smirked, leaning into his warm, soft, yet muscular chest. He pulled her closer so she was facing him. A smile Elizabeth has never seen before crossed his face, passion and lust covered the cold and bitterness in his eyes, this only happened when he was with her. He kissed her forehead, wrapping his arms around her hips.

" come here, I'll warm you up." he smiled. Elizabeth snuggled against his chest wrapping one arm around his neck and the other rested between them. That was when she decided to steal a kiss, well not really a kiss more like a quick peck on the lips. He smiled again, looking into her eyes, her soft warm brown eyes that could always melt his heart. Slowly his eyes trailed to her soft full lips, he bit his lips, in thought. Then he looked back into her eyes again. Softly lifted her chin and kissed her gently wanting to savor the moment and not rush it. Her hand buried themselves in his thick black curls. Slowly they stopped and regained their breath as Elizabeth fell asleep against sherlock's chest. He smiled playing with he soft curly red hair, and soon he fell asleep as well. The door creaked open, John stuck his head through the door. He smiled, they definitely were made for each other. They looked adorable. What he needed to ask Sherlock could wait till morning.

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