Chapter 13: the final chapter. (literally)

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It's been about two years since Sherlock jumped off the building. It was early in the morning, John and Sarah thought it would be nice to take Elizabeth out for the day. It would defiantly make her smile, the one problem was getting her out of bed. The town zoo just made a new exhibit for Red pandas which is Elizabeth's favorite animal. John knocked on Elizabeth's door. "Elizabeth? It's time to wake up." John called. Elizabeth's pillow was over her head, John sighed and walked toward her bed. "Elizabeth wake up." he slightly shook her. She took in a deep breath.

"I'm up." she muttered, not moving. John wacked her with one of her pillows. "I'm. Up." she said louder with a lot of irritation. He wacked her again. "I'm up!" she yelled.

"good you're up." he chuckled. "get dressed we're going to the zoo." Elizabeth perked up and smiled.

2 hours later

After walking around the zoo, they stopped to take a break. Elizabeth hugged John. John smiled.

" what was that for?" he asked.

" I just wanted to say thank you." Elizabeth smiled.

"you're welcome." he smiled back. On their way to the red pandas, they passed a souvenir boutique. Elizabeth looked at John like a child, as if asking if she could get a toy. He chuckled slightly, Elizabeth took out her wallet to buy, of corse, a red panda stuffed animal. John lowered her hand and took out his own money to paid for the toy.

" you didn't have to pay for that." she whispered. He shook his head.

"I wanted to." he said, making her smile. Sarah bought a key chain with hers and John's name in it.

"here with your daughter?" the cashier asked John, talking about Elizabeth. Elizabeth and Sarah almost fell over from laughing. John scowled at the man.

"No I'm not her father, that would make me 11 when she was born." (40-29=11 ) John took the bag and handed it to Elizabeth, who was just about ready to die from laughter.

"thank you dad." Elizabeth joked, Sarah laughed.

"oh shut it." he chuckled.

"can we go see the real red pandas now?" Elizabeth asked. John nodded and they walked toward the exhibit. Elizabeth got to pet the red pandas and play with them, after that she went to the bathroom to wash her hands, leaving John and Sarah alone at the food court. Elizabeth walked out of the bathroom, wiping her wet hands dry on her denim skirt.

"Elizabeth." she heard someone call her name. Something took her hand she tried to scream but a hand covered her mouth. "shhh, it's okay, it's me." she looked up at the man, she couldn't believe her eyes, it was Sherlock. She smacked Sherlock across the face. "okay I deserved that." he said rubbing his now red cheek.

"why would you do that? Do you know how much shit you put me through, not to mention John, who's misses his one and only friend besides me! How could you!? I gave you a chance, everyone deserves a chance, but you, Sherlock, you have gone through your last chance!" she was crying, seeing her this way made him a little misty eyed.

"I did it to protect the one thing important to me." Sherlock looked her in the eyes.

"oh and what is that?" She looked away from him. He sighed and slammed his lips against hers. She kissed him back, tears rolling down her cheeks. Sherlock broke the kiss to speak.

"come with me." he breathed. Being alone with just his thoughts for so long must have really changed him.

"what about John? I can't just leave him." they stayed there for awhile in each others embraces, then broke apart. " I have an idea." Elizabeth smiled. She gathered up some cotton candy and oat meal she bought from the food court, she put it in her mouth and swished it around, the smell was awful, just one whiff of that and it would make anyone want to gag. "meet me at the gate in five minutes." sherlock nodded and kissed Elizabeth's forehead, he left. Elizabeth put her acting skills to use and pretended to look sick, this always worked on her mother when Elizabeth was a little kid and wanted to stay home from school.

"Elizabeth are you feeling okay?" John asked, noticing Elizabeth's paleness. Elizabeth shook her head and ran to the trash can and spit out all the nasty cotton candy oat meal. She felt Sarah rub her back.

"oh sweetie, let's get you home." Sarah had a nickname for Elizabeth that she only used at certain times. Elizabeth wiped her mouth.

"no, you guys enjoy yourselves, I'll be at the flat when you get back. I can take care of myself." Elizabeth smiled as she worked her way to the gate to meet Sherlock.

"ready to go?" Sherlock asked taking her hand.

"where are we going.?" she held his hand back.

"I don't know, but what I do know I'd that I'm never letting you leave my side again." sherlock kissed the top of her head and they walked out of the zoo into the rest of their life together.

The End! ❤

Authors note: and that's a wrap! Tell me what you thought of my story in the comments! Thanks for reading :)

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