Chapter 44-In that case...

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A/N- ASSALAMUALAIKUM WARAKH MATULLAHI WA BARAKATUHU. HOW ARE YOU ALL? ALRIGHT SO FINALLY HERE'S A CHAPTER FOR YOU ALL. THIS ONE IS DEDICATED TO Muslimahhhhhh for her love and support. Thank you so much and to @SawoodAhmed for her votes<3 So both of you and to the others too, thank you so much. ILY All<3

A special thanks to @didakam for everything. <3 I can't even describe what she means to me <3


Khadija's POV:

Today was my third day and I still wasn't feeling well. And I was so sick of being in this hotel, having medicines, and healthy food.

"Adeel, can we go out?" I asked

"Khadija, you need rest" Adeel answered

"I have been stuck here, with my cravings, stupid medicines and I'm tired, okay" I said angrily and Adeel stood there shocked at my mood swing.

"Ugh, I'm so sorry, these stupid hormones and mood swings are never going to let me live" I apologized

Adeel made his way to me and plopped beside me

"It's okay but they are kind of scary. Anyway, get ready, we are leaving in 15 minutes, after I finish Asr" he said and I smiled at him.

Even though my cramps were there and it hurt like hell, but I was so happy to finally get out. I quickly put on my abaya along with other things and waited for Adeel to finish his prayer.


Adeel's POV:

I was still worried about Khadija but I had to give in because I knew that she was bored and tired from just being in the hotel all day.

And I must say that I was too excited for the 2 activities I had planned for us.



Khadija's POV:

"Wanna go somewhere babe?" Adeel asked smirking at me

"No, thank you. But thank you Adeel, I had always wanted to try them out" I answered honestly.

Yesterday Adeel had taken me for sky-diving and paragliding.


I know but he wanted to do them in one day and so I went with the plan. The whole thing was crazy and scary but I loved it and enjoyed every moment. Adeel as usual encouraged me and was there with me. It was a magical moment for us to be there together in the sky, flying away, just the two of us. And I was glad we went as it had always been my wish to try them out and I finally did.

It's funny though how I had these activities planned as a part of my world-tour before my marriage, but now I was experiencing it being married.

Life's unexpected. Nothing turns out to be the way you plan. But Alhamdulillah alaa kulli haal.

"Hello, I have been asking you for lunch since so long!" Adeel snapped me out

"Oh sorry. Yes sure. But let me prepare something for lunch." I answered and Adeel looked at me wide-eyed.

"What? Why?" he asked

"Because we have been having a lot of outside food" I answered with a smile

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