Hi im Stiles, Void Stiles

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**Chapter 1**

'They think they won? They think they killed me! Well they are wrong. They can't kill me!

'YOU CANT KILL ME!' I roared to them numerous times. But did they listen? No! Scott and all his friends will die. I will kill them all. They will all see Allison and Aiden in hell soon. Lets just wait and see what happens, shall we?'  Void Stiles shouted as he walked through the hallway of beacon Hill High School.

Void punched the fire alarm effortlessly, which made the whole school evacuate. The lights flickered.

'SCOTT! MALIA! I know you can hear me'

Scott, Malia, Lydia, Kira and Liam appeared at the opposite side of the hallway. Liam was shocked, he looked at the other in confusion.

'Stiles?' Liam said walking slowly towards him. 'What are you doing?'

'Liam stop!' Scott shouted, making him jump.

'Scott it's just Stiles'

'No it's not Stiles it the Nogitsune!' Scott yelled.

'Hi I'm Stiles, Void Stiles' he said waving to Liam with a plastic devilish smile across his face.

'Don't worry Scott I'm not here to do anything to you. Yet. I'm here to tell you that I have Isaac.' An evil chuckle spilled out his mouth.

A roar erupted from Scott's mouth as him and Malia ran to attack Void. Suddenly, Void raised his hand and a row of soldiers mysteriously appeared behind him. The Onis. They were tall wearing all black with a mask covering their faces. They seemed to be made out of black smoke.

Viciously, Scott bolted to Void Stiles, one of his soldier pull out his sword and hit Scott horizontally in the chest. Scott was sent flying and fell on top of Liam. Malia then decided to attack a soldier. She threw a punch but he coughs it and twisted her arm, then he kicked her in the stomach which sent her flying too. She then fell on top of Scott and Liam. Void laughed at the sight of seeing them in a pile, weak and defenceless. They stood up slowly but Scott was in horrifying pain which stopped him from standing up.

Lydia ran to Scott,
'Are you ok?' She said to him. He nodded.

'I think they got the message' Void Stiles said as he turned around to walk out of the school.

Liam ran toward the Onis and tried to attack them from behind. But with strong senses, the Oni heard Liam running from behind and grapes him.

'LIAM!' Scott yelled.

Then all the light in the school mysteriously turned off. Once they turned back on they're were gone.

Malia looked at Kira.
'What the hell, you didn't do anything!' She said pushing her.

'I froze, I'm sorry' she said quietly.

'Leave her alone' Scott said to Malia. 'Just help me get up please' Malia helped Scott get up and they all took him to the animal clinic to see Dr Alan Deaton.


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Void Stiles Book1 (Teenwolf Fanfiction) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now