The Truth

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Stiles took everyone home. Scott and Cathy were now the last person in the jeep.

'Scott.' Cathy called

'I don't understand what's happening. I just saw death for the first time. Actually they weren't even people. There's a murderer that looks exactly like the person driving us home.' Cathy said frustrated, angry and distraught.

Stiles looked every 2-3 seconds at the rear view mirror to see them.

'I can explain Ca...'

'Does mum even know about this?'

'Yes she does.' Scott replied.

'Then why don't I know?'

'Because it all started when you were in boarding school.'

Cathy looked at the window for a few seconds. To hide her tears from Scott.

'Cathy, I need to tell you something.'

She looked at Scott.

'I'm a werewolf, so was Liam and Isaac. Void is a spirit which has taking the body of stiles. There's another girl which is a coyote. And Lydia is a banshee.' Scott said being straight forward because he didn't want to hide it from her anymore.

'What is stiles?' She asked.

'I'm human.' Stiles laughed and so did Cathy. Scott smiled.

'I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I wanted to keep you out of this.' Scott apologised.

'Apology accepted, but I'm still a little freaked out.'

'You will get used to it.' Stiles smiled.

Void Stiles Book1 (Teenwolf Fanfiction) EDITINGOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant