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Scott was slowly waking up now. He opened his eyes to see stiles. Then he noticed he was in his room. He was lying in bed with stiles holding a damp cloth on his forehead.

'What I'm I doing here? Where's void?' He said starting to panic.

'Stop panicking Scott.' Stiles said calming him down.

'Is Isaac really dead stiles?' He mourned.

'Yes.' Stiles said starting to tear up.

'Scott I need to tell you something.' Stiles announced.


There was a long intense pause.

'Void kidnapped Kira.' He said monotone looking down at the floor.

'No he couldn't have!' Scott said raising his voice. He got up from the bed and started passing around the room and picking up his books and throwing them across the room.

'Scott he did.' Stiles said wiping his tears away.

Scott finally sat down. He cupped his hands over his face as tears flooded his face.

'He's gonna kill her Stiles.' Scott whispered.

'I know Scott, that's why we need to act fast.'


Scott and Stiles were in Stiles jeep driving to the forest.

'Are you sure you can smell Liam here Scott?' stiles asked unsure.

'Definitely.' Scott replied as he sniffed Liam's baseball hat to catch his sent.

'STOP!' Scott yelled, making stiles press the breaks of his jeep automatically. Which had caused him to hit his head on the steering wheel.

'Sorry.' Scott said sheepishly. Stiles just laughed.

They got out of the jeep and Scott followed the sent as stiles walked closely behind. They finally arrived to this dull, old,mouldy abandoned mansion. They walked inside and stared at the old painting on the walls.

Suddenly, the heard a loud zapping sound then curdling scream. Then they heard the zap again and this time it was a manly howl.

They both sprinted towards the screams. In a basement they saw Liam and Cathy weak and distraught tied to a chair. Kira looked very frightened.

Immediately Scott ran to Cathy and started taking of the chains. Stiles did the same to kira.

'Hello.' Said a deep voice behind them.

Void Stiles Book1 (Teenwolf Fanfiction) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now