Chapter One

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Melissa's P.O.V

I woke up to the sound of my neighbours dogs barking. They were pit bulls, Mr. and Mrs.
Demon. They bark every morning at the same time so I don't even need an alarm clock.

I groaned and rolled over in bed. I looked out the window at the dogs and glared at them. They saw me and started barking even louder.

"Whatever," I mumbled to myself and walked into the bathroom. I hopped in the shower and washed my hair. I did my usual makeup and hair routine and then put on a laughing emoji tank top and black shorts.

"Melissa you almost ready?" My older brother Chris hollered up at me.

"Yeah," I yelled back and rushed to grab my backpack so I could go downstairs.

"Hey," he said.

"Hey," I respond, "is dad on another business trip?"

"Yeah, he left this morning. He texted me and said he would've said goodbye but he was running behind so he didn't have time. He told me he would call us later though."

"Oh um, ok," I mumble and go to eat my breakfast. My dad is always working. He goes on business trips all the time so Chris and I barely get to see him. It's only because our mom is gone. She died from brain cancer when I was three so I don't really remember her. Chris takes care of me most of the time. Without him, I don't know what I would do.

Once I finished my breakfast, I put the plate in the sink and walk towards the door. I put on my Vans and grab m backpack.

"Do you want a ride?" Chris asks me.

"Sure I guess," I say and open the door. Chris grabs his keys and jogs out towards his car behind me.

"What's wrong?" He questions me in a serious tone.

"Nothing," I say with no expression. He continues to look at me in a serious way until he finally nodded and started the car. Mr. and Mrs. Demon bark at us viciously, but we ignore them and head to my high school.

After ten minutes of driving, Chris finally pulls up into the schools parking lot. I open the door before the car stops and jump out.

"Bye!" I wave and walk away.

"See ya!" He yells back at me and drives away. Okay Melissa, it's just another ordinary day, don't let their words get to you. I take a deep breath and walk inside.

Adande's P.O.V


"Oh crap," I mumble to myself and sit up in bed, waiting for more.

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU! WHY COULDN'T I HAVE HAD A CHILD WHO LISTENS! I TOLD YOU TO GET UP A SIX, BUT GUESS WHAT?!?" IT'S SEVEN!" My dad stomps over to me and slaps me across the face. His face is red from anger.

"IF THIS HAPPENS AGAIN, YOU'RE GONNA WISH YOUR MOTHER WAS HERE!" He screams at me and slaps me again. He storms out of my bedroom slamming the door shut.

"Owww," I groan, rubbing my face. I stand up still rubbing my face and head to the bathroom. I look in the mirror to see red marks on my face turning into bruises.

"And on my first day," I mumble. I wash my face to try and make it less visible. No luck. I couldn't do anything about it so I just ignored it. I finished getting ready and grabbed my bag. I rushed out of the apartment, hoping my dad wouldn't see me.

"Where do you think you're going?" He asks glaring at me.

"Sch-school," I stutter in reply.

"You better be, and if I get a call from any of your teachers, you don't want to know."

I nod and run out the door. My dad would never give me a ride, so I just had to walk. Once I got to the school, the first thing I saw was this girl getting out of a car. She waved to the driver and walked inside. She seemed friendly, so I started to follow her.


Hey people of the world!

So I was really stupid and deleted my other story, "My UniKorn". It was a Luke Korns Fanfiction and I'm really mad at myself.

I decided to write a new Fanfiction and Swoozie is perfect in every single way so I just started writing about him instead.

I hope you guys like this chapter and I promise I won't delete it this time ;)

Keep looking for updates because they're coming soon. Again I hope you like the chapter and sorry about the Luke one.


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