Chapter Eight

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Melissa's P.O.V

I woke up cuddled up against Jc's bare chest. He was lightly kissing my forehead and rubbing my back. I look up at him and he smiles at me and I smile back.

"Morning beautiful," I blush as he pecks my lips.

"Morning handsome," I say pecking his lips again. "What are we gonna do today?"

"Well I don't have work today, so we have all day to ourselves," he says grinning. I giggle and kiss his cheek before I sit up. I was about to walk to the bathroom when he grabs my wrist.

"Come baaaaaaack," he groans.

"I need to take a showerrrrrr," I mock him.

"But it's cold nowwwww," he complains.

"Not my problem," I say and yank my arm out of his grasp and run to the bathroom giggling to myself.

"Melissa please oh please oh Pleasssssssssseeeee come back over here!" He sings to me. I burst out laughing before I sing back.

"I need to take a shower la da de la da da," I respond singing part of Becky G's song Shower. I hear him chuckling from the room as I turn on the water. I quickly wash my hair and get out. I put on a white tank top with a peace sign in the middle and black shorts. I put my hair in a ponytail and do my normal make-up. Once I'm done I go out into the living room to see Jc flipping pancakes.

"Hey girlfriend!" He says as he rushes over to me picking me up. I burst out laughing as he spins me around.

"What's so funny now missy?" He questions me trying to act like a parent.

"You're so awkward," I giggle poking him.

"Oh really now well-"

"JC THE PANCAKES!" I scream cutting him off as I point to the burning pancakes.

"Oh shit!" He yells and runs over to the stove. I couldn't help but laugh as he struggled to stop things from burning. Once he finished getting rid of all the smoke he brought the completely burnt pancakes over to me.

"Breakfast is served malady," he says bowing as he held up the plate.

"I don't know about you but I'm going to iHop," I laugh. He perks up and throughs out the pancakes running up behind me. He grabs my hand as we walk out of the door.

"Race you to the lobby!" He says once we get in the hallway. He lets go of my hand and starts running.

"Jccccccccc!" I call after him as I start running after him. I turn the corner still running when I run into a rock hard chest. I fall to the ground instantly as the person I ran into gives me a hand.

"Melissa?" I look up to see Adande reaching out his hand for me to grab.

"Oh hey Adande. Sorry about that," I say nervously laughing.

"Where are you off to in such a hurry?" He asks me chuckling.

"Well, you see-"

"Melissa you're so slow!" I look over to see Jc standing in front of the elevator.

"Well I'm sorry I ran into someone and wanted to apologize."

Jc comes up beside me and grabs my hand.

"Well let's go, I'm starving," he says pulling me along. I turn back to see Adande sadly looking down.

"Bye Adande!" I call out to him before the elevator doors close.

"Why are you always talking to him?" Jc questions me.

"Have you ever heard of friends? Cause that's all we are, I promise." I respond trying to sound confident.

"Well, I don't get the best vibe from him. I just want you to stay safe," he says cupping my face. I smile and lay my head in his hands.

"He's not bad or anything, I know that for a fact," I say smiling.

"Okay," he says then leans in pressing his lips against mine. I put my arms around his neck as he continues to cup my face, our lips moving in perfect sync.


The elevator doors open breaking the moment.

We break apart but my arms stay around his neck. He pecks my lips one more time before pulling back and grabbing my hand. We walk out of the elevator hand in hand and we walked down the street to iHop.

Adande's P.O.V

I hear stomping and laughing in the hallway as I was pouring my cereal and decide to go and check it out. I set the cereal on the table and walk towards the door. I peek out not hearing anything so I walk towards the corner.

All of a sudden, thud. Someone runs right into me. I take steps back to keep my balance and look at who it was.

"Melissa?" I ask the girl on the ground. She looks up at me with those eyes. She looked perfect. No Adande stop it. She has a boyfriend.

"Oh hey Adande. Sorry about that," she laughs like she's nervous.

"Where were you off to in such a hurry?" I ask her chuckling.

"Oh well, you see-"

"Melissa you're so slow!" I look behind and see her boyfriend. Great... I thought.

"Well I'm sorry I ran into someone and wanted to apologize," she defended. He comes up and grabs her hand.

"Well let's go, I'm starving," he says starting to pull her away. I look at my shoes sadly until I hear her voice again.

"Bye Adande!" She calls out to me before the elevator doors shut. I smile and then go back into my place. I finish making my cereal and eat it on the couch watching anime.

I glance out the window and see Melissa and Jc holding hands and walking to what seems like iHop. I sighed knowing that I won't ever get a chance with her since I totally screwed up in highschool.

Go me.

She's better off without me anyways.


Hey y'all

Hope ya liked the chapter :)

Who's team are you on? Team Adande or Team Jc?

I have a bunch of stuff planned for this an I'm super excited and I hope you guys will like it ;)

Anyways I hope you liked this chapter and look for more updates!

See your lovely faces later :)


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