Chapter Nine

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Melissa's P.O.V

After Jc and I got back from iHop, I started doing the dishes that he didn't wash from all of the burnt pancakes. I stacked the ones I could in the dishwasher and washed the other ones by hand. Jc was watching Shark Tank on tv and was getting really worked up about it.

"That's the stupidest product I've ever seen! No one would ever use that!" He told the tv. I giggled to myself as I put the dishes away.

I continued doing them until I heard a knock on the door.

"I'll get it," I told Jc and walked towards the door. He glanced over at me but didn't say anything.

I opened the door and saw Adande standing there with his hands behind his back.

"Adande I-" I started but he cut me off.

"Melissa can I talk to you, alone?" He asked gesturing towards the hallway. I looked over at Jc who was still on the couch. I looked back at Adande and nodded walking out and shutting the door.

"Look Melissa, I know you have a boyfriend and all but I really like you. I usually don't tell the person I like I like them especially when they have a boyfriend. But you're... different. When I as telling you my story at the coffee shop, you were the girl getting bullied who I helped. You were the girl that I liked and left. My feelings for you never changed Melissa, and I really do care about you."

I was in shock and didn't know what to say. He took out his hands from behind his back and there were the most beautiful flowers I had ever seen.

"Adande, they're, they're beautiful! Thank you so much," I said taking the flowers and giving him a hug.

"Your welcome. You deserve them. Well I better be going, I'll always be here when you need me. Always." He said giving me another hug. I smiled at him slowing opening the door.I watched him walk back down the hallway and turn the corner before I finally decided to go back inside.

"Who was that?" Jc asked me as soon as I walked back in.

"Oh, just a friend," I said grinning.

"A friend that gives you flowers?" He questioned me.

"Friends do that sometimes," I respond making it seem like this was normal for me.

"Wait, was it that, Adonkey guy I told you to stay away from?" He asked me his voice rising a little from anger.

"For your information his name is Adande and he's just a friend like I said before."

"I told you I wanted you to stay away from him!" Jc snaps at me. It startled me and I brought my arms up to my chest shifting away from him. His face went from angry to soft again.

"Babe I'm sorry," he says reaching out for my hand. I pull it away and step backwards.

"It's not fair, I mean, he's just a friend. We've been dating long enough for me to think that you would trust me by now."

"I do trust you babe it's just-"

"Save it," I snap and rush into my room. I slam the door shut and lock it. I fell flat on my face over the bed and started sobbing. I'm feeling all kinds of mixed emotions right now. Adande is so sweet and nice and honestly, quiet atractive. But I've been dating Jc for two years and this is thee first time he's ever gotten jealous. I have feelings for both of them, I just don't know what I'm going to do.

Just then, I heard a knock on my door.

"Melissa, I'm so sorry. Please open the door," I heard Jc say from the outside. I sighed and wiped my tears and went to open the door for him. Once I opened it he saw me and pulled me in for a hug. He began kissing the top of my head repeatedly, saying he's sorry multiple times as well. I didn't say anything.

He pulled away cupping my cheeks and looked me in the eyes.

"I love you, Melissa," he said. He leaned in and kissed me. I didn't kiss back.

Jc had never said he loved me before. I feel bad for not saying it back, but my mind just has a lot going on.

"I'm sorry babe," he said pecking my lips as he cupped my cheeks. I pulled away and nodded, walking into my room. I heard him sign and walk away. I sighed and leaned against the door. I closed my eyes and sighed.

I really like Adande. I don't want to tell him though, because Jc might find out or things will just change and be awkward whenever I see him. But then there's Jc, my boyfriend for two years. I couldn't just break up with him and then go straight to Adande. I don't want Jc to think bad of me. I really like them both. I don't know what I'm going to do.

I decided that I should get out, just to give myself some space from everything. I opened the door and walked out into the living room. I saw Jc watching the Kardashian show. He looked up and saw me and quickly changed the channel to some random football game.

"Yeah, go team," he says awkwardly as he throws his fist up in the air. I giggled and walked towards the door.

"Where are you going?" Jc asks me.

"Out, I'll be back in a couple hours," I tell him. Right as I was opening the door to leave, Jc says,

"Okay well, don't stay out too late. I have something special planned for tonight," he winked at me. I smiled and nodded. As soon as I was out, I speed walked all the way to the mall.

Once I got there, it was pretty empty. I was kind of glad not a lot of people were there so I could get anything I wanted quicker without having to wait in a super long line.

I walked into a small gift shop just looking around at all of the different products they had.


I turned around to see Adande standing in front of the scented candles smiling at me. I smiled back.

"Hey Adande, what are you doing here?" I asked him brushing my hand on his buff shoulder.

"Oh ya know, I was just gonna hang around here until my friends got here," he said confidently but I could tell he was lying. I giggled.

"I see," I smiled.

"And what brings you here?" He asked me chuckling.

"I just wanted to get out you know, do some shopping an other girl stuff," I told him. He nodded along with me

"So, do you want to go and get some lunch from chipotle over there?" He asked pointing towards the resteraunt. My eyes lit up and he chuckled again.

"I'll take that as a yes," he said. I nodded my head furiously and we started walking.


Hey y'all

So this chapter sucked really badly and I'm really sorry :(

Now on a more positive note... IT'S WINTER BREAK OMG THANK THE HEAVENS ABOVE THAT I HAVE NO HOMEWORK!!!!!! :):)::::)))

Anyways, I hoped you liked this chapter even though it sucked but still thanks for reading :)

I'll try and update as soon as I can so keep an eye out ;)


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