Chapter Four

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Melissa's P.O.V

I run away from Adande as quick as I could. When I get outside I see Chris in his car on his phone. I rush over quickly and get in.


"Well hello to you too sister," he says and starts the car. "Is something wrong?"

"No everything's fine. Just, please go," I say immediately.

"Okay..." He pushes the peddle and we're off. I look in the review mirror and see Adande run out of the school doors frantically, looking around. He sees my car and frowns. I don't know why I'm mad at him when it's his first freaking day of school. Wow, I'm just great. Chris goes over a bump and I hit my head against the window.

"Oww," I moan in pain.

"Sorry," he says, but I could hear him chuckling to himself. I roll my eyes and turn away, looking out the window.

When we get home, before Chris stops the car, I open the door grabbing my backpack and run inside to my room.

Adande's P.O.V

I see her car driving away. I just know it's her. I look down at my feet just thinking about her.

"Hey you! The newbie!"

I turn around to see a tall white boy smirking at me and walking my way.

"What's the name?" He asks me.

"Umm, Adande," I respond shyly.

"Cool. I'm Justin. Just in cause you're wondering, I'm the captain of the football team."

Of course he is.

"So anyway, I just wanted to say that you seem like a pretty narley dude," he speaks in a deep and confident voice.

"Thanks... so do you?" I mumble still acting shy. He laughs and puts his fingers through his hair.

"You're funny. We should hang out sometime."

"Yeah that'd be chill," I respond trying to sound like him. He laughs again then gives me his number.

"Yo, my rides here but I'll talk to you later. Peace," he says saluting me and runs off. I start looking for someone to pick me up but then I remember. Oh yeah. I start walking home. I hope dad isn't there yet.


Once I finally got to our apartment building, I look around the parking lot for my dad's truck. I didn't see it which I was very thankful for. I gave a sigh of relief and started walking in towards the elevator.

I opened my apartment door slowly, in case I hear my dad. Once I know it's just me home, I start working on all of the chores my dad gave me before he smacked me in the face so I can work on my homework.

3 hours later

I hear the door squeak open and then shut. He's home.

"Adande! If you're not done with all of the chores I gave you, you're dead meat!" He yells at me from the kitchen. There was silence between us but I could hear him move around the apartment looking at what chores I did. I keep working on my homework and try to ignore him. Then I hear the footsteps get closer to my room. Oh shoot, he's coming. Don't say anything stupid or you're dead.

He opens my door and walks in to see what I'm doing.

"Adande," He says.

"Y-Yes, dad?" I respond trying to sound confident but failing in doing so.

"You got lucky today."

I breath a sigh of relief and nod, continuing my homework.

"What's that?" He grumbles and grabs my homework.

"It's my homework," I mumble.

"I see," he says and steps on my foot as he leans forward to give me my homework back.

"Owww," I groan.

"What's that? Are you hurt? Well guess what. I would say get your mother to kiss it but YOU DON'T HAVE ONE! HA! HA! HA!" I glare and my dad and try to ignore him.

"She would still be alive if she didn't get cancer..." I mumble not meaning for my dad to hear. My dad sees that I'm glaring and him and comes over to me and slaps me with the back of his hand.

"Stupid kid. I would've thought you would've been smart enough to know that you should respect me by now. Guess not." He strides out of my room standing tall as if he was proud of what he had just done to me. I rub my face where he hit me.

I wish I had friends close enough to talk to about this. Then I remembered Justin. I took out my phone and texted him.

Adande: Hey Justin, it's Adande

Justin: Oh hey man

Justin: Wazz up?

Adande: Nothin much wbu

Justin: Watching tv

Adande: Chill chill

Justin: Lol

Justin: Hey there's something I need to ask you...

Adande: Okay... What is it?

Justin: I saw you kissing Ashley today... are you guys together?

Oh that's her name. Ashley.

Adande: No, she just started kissing me, tbh I'm pretty sure she has a thing for me

Justin: Oh ok. Is there anyone else that you have your eye on?

Adande: Maybe...

Justin: TELL ME

Adande: I will tomorrow, I have homework to do rn

Justin: Okay fine, ttyl then. Peace

Adande: Peace

I put my phone on my drawer and later down in bed to think. Melissa...


Hey y'all :)

Hope ya liked the chapter. Honestly I didn't really like it but I've been pretty busy lately and have just been typing the most random things but I hope that it's okay XD

Anyways thank you for reading and voting and please look for more updates! Btw I just started working on a new story and I'm gonna try to publish it soon for all of y'all peoples ;)

Have a great potato salad with chicken!


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