To Terrorise the Left Behind.

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"Pine-Tree what's this?" Bill held up a note book and it was quickly snatched out of his hands.

"That is my journal." Dipper snapped. "And that is off limits."

"Even to me?"

"Especially to you. Now when are we gonna get to work?"

"Patience young one." Bill chuckled. "Rome wasn't built in a day."

"No but I'm betting if you really tried you could turn it to rubble in a day."

"If you get hasty you make mistakes. I was hasty to make that deal with Gideon and look how that ended."

"Fine, I'm just sayin... When you aren't doing your evil plots your kind of boring."

"You cut me deep Pine-Tree. Your words are wounding. I might just cry."

"At least you'll be doing something."

"Who taught you to be this cruel."

"Pain is Hilarious." Dipper replied mimicking Bill.

"Alas, he is too well learnt." Bill cried dramatically. "If you're so bored why not go terrorise someone?"

"Whatever, your still boring, Corn-Chip." Dipper shimmered away and Bill sighed.

"He's never going to drop that nickname I can feel it." The dream demon noted that Dipper was visiting Stanford's mind. So he went to visit Mabel for the next phase in his newly arranged plan, Dipper had to be absent whenever he visited the other child.

She was dreaming about having Dipper back to normal. The kid couldn't take a hint, but that made things easier. "You know he's never coming back." Bill said in a matter-of-fact like tone.

"You! You did this!" Mabel screeched.

"Me? My dear naive human, when will you learn to listen to me."

"Try never you... You cyclops!"

"Oh, ouch, that really stings. You gotta get it through that thick human skull girl. I did only what Pine-Tree wanted. And it isn't my fault. He'd been quite distressed upon meeting me. It's really hard when the person you love betrays you. Apparently, though I wouldn't know."

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm saying I wasn't the instigator here Shooting-Star. He was hurting when I found him." Bill decided to leave it at that. "Tata, don't forget to write... Or... No that's not-"

Mabel's dreams became nightmares after Bill left.


"What's up Doc?"
Stanford looked up from his desk, aware that he was dreaming as the words on the pages before him were nonsense, it was common knowledge that writing in dreams was unreadable. He turned his attention to Dipper, it wasn't the first time he'd entered Ford's dreams since the turn. The boy looked just about as menacing as a kitten, but Ford knew better.

"Dipper, or do you go by another name now?"

"No, no, it's still Dipper. I might change it later though. Care to make a deal?"

"You and I both know the answer to that."

"Oh, come on Grunkle Ford, it's just little old me."

"I said no! Leave my dreams demon."

"Oh so it's demon now. I'm hurt Ford. It's because I'm not Mabel isn't it? You obviously liked her more. I can't believe I looked up to you." The playful smile was gone now, Dipper was scowling at him with those horrid slit pupils.

"I don't know what delusions go on in that twisted mind of yours boy but enough is enough, you betrayed us, you'll get nothing from me."

"Oh, so it's I who betrayed you. Funny it didn't feel that way when you each took my heart and stabbed it."

"We did nothing of the sort you-" Ford halted as Dipper began to laugh.

"Humans are so stupid! I can't even believe I was one. It makes my skin crawl. I'll come back when you can see more than 5cm in front of that ugly face."


She wasn't asleep when Dipper appeared before her, she'd pinched her arm to make sure. "Morning Wendy." He said pleasantly. If he hadn't been hovering two feet off the ground she could have convinced herself he was back to normal. She said nothing, she knew if he drew her into a conversation she'd break down. "The silent treatment? Tsk tsk, and here I thought you were mature. Oh well, I didn't really want you to speak anyway." He sneered. She flinched as he landed on the ground, the mere sight of him made her skin itch with dread. He'd been terrorising her when she was awake and asleep. "I want to make a deal with you. Nothing big, I'll promise to leave your family alone if you join Bill and I. I might even convince Bill to spare them from the end. Now doesn't that sound great." She shook her head, sure it sounded better than watching them perish but she couldn't make a deal with him. Not ever. "Come on Wendy, remember the fun we had? That could go on for eternity." Another head shake and Dipper's smile strained. "You don't have to suffer along with the others. I forgive you, you've don't the least amount of damage to me. I'll make sure nothing bad happens to you. I hear there are some handsome demons in the nightmare realm. I could introduce you." Wendy grabbed a fire poker and swung it at Dipper only for it to phase through him. Dipper scowled angrily as she coward away from him, the eyes, they always frightened her.

"I'm sorry." She choked out.

"That wasn't very nice, Wendy." He hissed. "I don't appreciate unnecessary violence. But I can take a hint. No deal. Suffer with the rest of them." Once he was gone she broke down into tears. How could someone so sweet become so twisted and malevolent?!


Something about what Bill had said had struck a cord. He was implying all this happened because someone hurt Dipper. She tried to think back to when it all started but she could only think back to the first day he'd gone missing. Wasn't there a point before that? A point where he'd consider someone betraying him? She rattled her brains and then it stuck her. It struck her like a truck going full speed into a brick wall. The day the portal had opened. When she'd chosen Stan over him. She hadn't even thought much about it but the look on his face had been that of someone who was absolutely shattered. He'd smiled afterwards but she was almost certain now that it had been fake. She was the reason he was gone, she had pushed her own brother away. Just like Stan and Ford. A look of Horror crossed her face and she dropped the mug of hot chocolate she'd been drinking. Stan looked up and was about to say something when he noticed her pale grief stricken face.

"What's the matter kiddo, I mean other than the obvious." Stan grunted.

"It's my fault!" She shrieked pulling her hair. "It's happening all over again and it's my fault!"

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