Chapter 2 • Goodnight [REDO]

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Considering you had only moved in recently with your cousin, Mana, you decided that you would pick up fast food for dinner for the both of you. That way when you got home you could spend more time unpacking, Mana probably wouldn't have gotten round to it considering her busy schedule and constantly working overtime.

Maji Burger seemed to be a popular fast food spot in Japan, so you thought that you should give it a try. While you were ordering you overheard a guy ordering a ridiculous amount of burgers, you looked over curiously while you were waiting to receive your meal. He looked so familiar from the side, he noticed you staring and glared.
"What are you look-" Then it clicked, this guy is Taiga.
"Taiga?!" You cut him off, he looked confused but then he realised too .
"(Y/n)?" You smiled widely, glad that he recognised you. You didn't think you would see him again, at least not this quickly.

Once you both got your orders you started to catch up with one another.
"So, how are you settling in?" He asked.
"Well, today was my first day of school, it went better than expected. And how are you doing, how long have you been here now?"
"A few years now. It's kinda lonely though, I was meant to move in with my dad but he's working in America. So I'm basically living alone."
"That's not really a surprise, I remember when we were younger you'd hang out at my place a lot with me and Alex. Your dad deserves a break, I swear he's been working non stop since we were kids." He hummed in agreement before switching to your family.

"And how are your family?" It was a bit difficult to talk about, but you knew you could confide in Kagami- despite being apart for so long.
"Yeah, it's gotten better... mostly." He could see you felt slightly uncomfortable talking about it so he didn't press any further. You began to giggle at Kagami's childishness, when you realised that the pile of pickles on his tray seemed to be never ending, as he just added another one on the top.
"What's so funny?" He asked, confused after the serious atmosphere had suddenly changed to a more lighthearted one.
"I see that you still don't like pickles, how do you even eat that many burgers anyway."
"'Eat well, play well' that's my motto."
"Well burgers aren't exactly good for you are they?" You criticised, before looking down at your own meal, then your gut, and realised you must have looked like the biggest hypocrite in the world.

You finished your meals, cleaned up and left. Stepping outside, Kagami shivered slightly at the cold breeze. You knew how much he hated the cold.
"I can't believe that it's still so cold, even in the spring." You reassured him that it would warm up soon as you both began to walk in the same direction.
"Hey, do you want me to walk you to the train station? It looks like we are going in a similar direction anyway." Kagami offered. You giggled to yourself as you thought chivalry wasn't dead.
"Sure, thanks."

On the way home you reminisced over good times, and even exchanged numbers to stay in touch. You arrived at the train station with 10 minutes until your train.
"I guess this is goodbye and goodnight." You said, slightly sadly. You didn't really want to depart from your good friend again, you didn't know when you would see him again.
"Do you want to meet up again, like maybe this weekend to just hang out?" Kagami asked. You nodded enthusiastically in agreement. He chuckled before leaving, waving his hand behind his back.

"Good night (y/n)!" "Goodnight Taiga!"

[EDITED 2/11/18]

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