ACT 1: Chapter 1: The fifth of November.

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Act 1: The Fall.

'Twas a fucking freezing night when the bush burnt down.

Rabbits and Rodent and all other animals lived together in a halfhearted peace.

The Rabbits maintain the fields and Generally made sure that most survived each winter whilst the Rodents served.

This winter however the Rodents had been pushed too far. They had always been seen as a lower class of animal but those Rodents that did rise to a place of power were often too enamored with the lifestyle to risk losing it over their people.

But why were the Rodents rebelling now?

The question would spread from field to field causing others to turn their attention onto the field of the Chair.

Some rode to defend the Chair whilst others cared little for the thing and debated that their forces should remain at home and continue to defend their own field.

Whatever their reason, the Rodents from the city of Oervard moved on the bush under the cover of darkness.

''Trim the top, water the bottom.'' was the extent of bush guard's training.

No one had prepared them for an actual assault.

Klara was asleep when the first scream rang out like a single hideous starting signal meant to start the slaughter.

She would remain asleep during the subsequent toing and froing of guards at the desperate commands that were shouted at them by frightened veterans.

Meanwhile, she dreamt of warmth on her skin and the sound of running water.

No wind.

No cloud.

Just warm sun beaming onto her and the sound of running water. When the sun finally set on her paradise she woke, ready and eager to seize the day. Instead, a pair of warm wet paws pulled her from her bed and onto the floor. She looked up to see who would dare force a woman out of bed (it made a nice change from the norm, sure, but Klara detested the idea of leaving a her warm, comfy bed).

The quartermaster was dressed in a full suit of lepus armor, a pike strapped to his back and a lantern on his belt.

''KLARA!'' He spat, the word out as if it was a wasp in his mouth instead of a name.

''ME!'' Klara spat back, jumping up as she did so.

''Get to the front!'' And then he was gone, running back towards the other side of the room.

He attached his lamp to a hinge on the back of one of the doors before opening said door and returning to the darkness outside from whence he came.

Klara wondered why he'd picked her out of bed and no one else.

A quick look around the room answered her question: there was no one else to wake.

She then wondered why he was in a full suit of armor.

That question was answered when she felt something dripping from where he'd grabbed her. Even if the smell hadn't given it away, the bright red paw prints on her fur made it clear that this was neither a drill nor' a game.

The bush was being attacked.

She rushed to the back of the room whilst trying her best not to fall over any of the many obstacles in her way. This proved increasingly difficult as she moved away from the lamp on the other side of the room as the little light she'd had became even less.

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