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When Harry woke up the next morning, he was hit with a wave of pure bliss. He had a feeling the reason for his happiness was the woman curled into his side, sleeping peacefully.

He turned to look at her, and smiled widely. She was so beautiful.

Damn straight, Ginny's mental voice was sleepy, but full of love. And for the record, you're pretty damn hot yourself.

Harry chuckled, and then sat up. He frowned slightly as he did so. Something about this morning seemed... different.

Are you sure it's not just last night? Ginny asked, feeling his confusion as she sat up as well, curling the blanket around her bare chest.

Harry glanced over and shook his head. "Last night was amazing, and I definitely feel a difference in our bond - remember what Sharptooth said? The bond will be complete when we consummate our relationship."

Ginny nodded, remembering that conversation. "But what you're feeling isn't that."

Harry shook his head again. "After learning Occlumency, the pain in my scar disappeared for the most part, but it was almost like... a phantom headache. It wasn't there, but I could feel it all the same. That feeling is gone now."

Ginny gasped lightly. "Do you think your connection to Voldemort is gone?"

Harry bit his lip. "I think we need to talk to Sharptooth again."

Ginny pursed her lips, studying his forehead carefully. "You know, I think your scar looks a little lighter."

Harry sighed. "Like I said, we need to talk to Sharptooth."

As if in response to that statement, a house elf popped in at that moment. "Chloe be sorry for interrupting Master and Mistress this morning, but an important letter has come for Master. Seal on letter being from Gringotts."

Harry nodded, smiling. "Thank you, Chloe. Can you have breakfast sent up as soon as it's ready?"

Chloe nodded eagerly and popped out.

Harry opened the letter, and read it to himself, with Ginny looking over his shoulder.

When he finished, he folded up the letter and set it on the nightstand. "So the council has made a decision. It does bode well that Sharptooth asks for Neville to join us, doesn't it?"

Ginny nodded thoughtfully. "It would seem that way." She agreed, making to stand up, pulling Harry's discarded shirt from the night before and putting it on. When she got out of the bed, it fell to her upper thigh. "But for right now, I think I heard you say something about breakfast. I'm starving."

Harry chuckled and agreed, finding his boxers from last night, and putting them on.

Dressed in no more than the bare minimum, they headed out to the terrace, where a filling breakfast of waffles, fruit, maple syrup, and whipped cream was waiting for them.

Ginny ate ravenously, her table manners closer to Ron's this morning than Harry had ever seen them. She looked up briefly and glared when she caught that thought, but Harry just shrugged and tucked back into his own waffle, smiling slightly.

When they finished eating, Harry led Ginny to the huge walk-in closet, where Ginny was amazed to find a large selection of clothes in her size. The other side of the closet held clothes for Harry.

She looked over at her husband, trying to decide if she was happy or annoyed at the amount of clothes there.

Harry shrugged. "I asked the house elves to make sure the Manor was stocked. I guess they just took that to mean in every way."

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