Imagine 3.

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Imagine 3: Moonlight.

Y/N's P.O.V.

You and Harry have been pretty close friends regardless of having met only two months ago.
When you met him, you two instantly connected and now, he was your best friend and so were you his.

After a few cups of coffee in the beginning in cafés, you exchanged numbers and ever since then, you never stopped talking. In fact, now you both hanged out at each other's living room drinking coffee, tea or whisky and talking about the beautiful things in life, such as art and nature.
He told you all his secrets, you told him all of yours and you trusted one another like if you have been friends forever.

You and Harry decided to hang out in the woods of Norway for a couple days and see who was the one who could manage best in such wild, dark, mysterious and private environment.

The drive was long, even if you guys took turns to get there from the airport. The hot temperature at this time of year at midday was exhausting and the pressure for you was just beginning.

You secretly had a crush on Harry but you were too coward to tell him about it. I mean, you could actually lose him, not as a lover, but as a friend and he had been a terrific one.
The news always had some new rumor about you and Harry, they knew something about your crush somehow and the funny and silly rumors were just a warning of what they could do with your friendship, your patience, your mental strength or even Harry's image.
Every time he looked at you, you smiled and blush. Something you couldn't help but do no matter what; you adored him.

"Okay. Here we are." Harry said once he stopped the engine and started getting out of the car.

You grabbed a bottle of water from the backseat before getting out of the car as well.

"Let me help you." Harry said opening the passenger door by the time you had the two bottles of water in your hands.

"Thanks." You handed the bottle to Harry. :"This is beautiful. I love it." You said looking around.

"I knew you would like it." He smiled at you and stopped by to take a look at the very high trees surrounding you both. "I must say it is really something."

You and Harry stayed standing there for some minutes, admiring the place. It was breathtaking just to think all of that wasn't considered art when in fact, it was.

"Alright, we gotta get the tents. The drive was longer than I had expected and it's already three in the afternoon." He said looking at his watch and you started laughing at just how strangely organised he tried to be.

"Alright, let's get 'em."


You two made the first tent and you had a fun little moment when the tent seemed to be pulling it off until it fell over you both inside it and couldn't figure out where the way out was.

After making the first tent, Harry told you to have lunch as he finished; he said he could resist hunger for he was strong and blah blah blah.

"Oh, no." Harry mumbled to himself.

"What is it?" You asked worried with one sandwich in your hands.

"The other tent is broken. You'll have to sleep with me." He said with your tent in his hands, turning around to see your face.

Sleep with Harry? You gotta be kidding me.

"Are you okay with that? I can sleep in the truck or in the grass if it makes you uncomfort-"

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