Imagine 4.

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Imagine 4: Broken Heart

Y/N's P.O.V

Hey Angel. Do you know the reasons why, we look up to the sky?

His voice torturing my head..

I was in school, in the middle of a test with confusing words. Words i couldn't understand, questions i couldn't answer.

All my attention was in the sound of
the rain falling and crashing with the cement of the street. My view in the window with the little drops careesing the glass. It was so sad and beautiful at the same time.

His smile stuck in my head, his voice made a melody with the rain and a tear fell from my left eye, finishing its way in my paper.

The ink of my pen getting blur for my tear. It could be a draw of a blue drop from a broken heart.

I could be happy, i thought i was happy knowing he is happy, but i'm not.
He's my other half, and i can't be happy knowing that my other half could find his other half.
I belong with him, but he doesn't belong with me.

I don't deserve him. Harry, everything.
He doesn't deserve me. Me, nothing.

I love him, not because of his fame, not because of his fortune.
I don't love him because of his sweet smile, or his green eyes, his curly hair, or his pink lips. I admit that all those things made me curious about who he was, but they're not the reason why i love him.
I love him for his heart, for the amazing person he is, for the one i see through his eyes, even i just saw his eyes from pictures and screens.

Sometimes i think he's not real. He is too good to be real. I know he is real, but i never heard of someone so good as Harry is.
For me, he's all my world, probably the whole universe. In front of people, he's just a picture smiling in my white empty wall.
People judge you as insane if you say you love a person like him, because they just see an international singer. I see a wonderful person that touched my heart.

My chest hurts, not as a wound, it hurts as if something would broke my heart like a glass falling to the ground.
My stomach is closed but my heart is open. I used to lock it, turning off my feelings to don't get hurt but he appeared in my life, his voice traveled to my ears, he stayed stuck in my head and find the way to get under my skin, go to my grey heart, put colors on it and break it, not even knowing it.

Of course my fantasy love story would never be real, never be possible with him, Harry Styles. I always thought it was impossible, i just didn't felt it, now that i feel it, is killing me.

I left the school remembering how i left my test in white, almost in white. There was a word written with my pen, the word Love. The word that got blur for a grey tear that made the word desappear leaving just a stain.

My feets touched the wet cement of the block, continuosly leaving drops of water for the rain over me.
The rain over me. Touching gently my skin, hidrating it with my tears, my silent, long tears.

I am broken, so broken. The love of my life is there, somewhere, and i'm here. I want to change this, but there's nothing i can do, because i'm not the only one.

Not the only one with the same feelings, but yes, the only one who feels this feelings of this way, since everyone feels of different ways.

I stopped walking to turn my head to the grey sky.

One of the reasons, is you..

I said in my mind, between my confusing thoughts, memories, dreams, and hopes.

I like to think that for some reason whatever it is, it put us in the place we are, to move from here, to places we can't even imagine, to connect with other lives, roads and destinies.

The destiny is the best writer. It writes the road where you are, and makes your road connect with other roads, meeting people that will stay with you, or will just be a mistake to make you learn from them.

For some reason things happen. This things take you to do another ones that will take you to places, people, thoughts, take you to your destiny.

You can't know what exactly will happen to you, but you should know that it was your destiny to be there, of that way.

And here i am. For now, i am just another unknown human, and just the destiny itself knows what i will be, who i will be and where i will be, but that's the best part, the fun and mysterious part, with the feeling that the best is about to come.

All i do now is loving him. Loving him with every single piece of my broken heart.

Dedicated to all those fans who once fell for their idol. To the ones who could come true that "impossible love", to the ones who realized it wouldn't happen to

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