Imagine 8: The Argument (Part 2).

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Imagine 8: The Argument (Part 2).

"And what about if i do? What about if I love you?" My mouth said. I couldn't even think if I should've said that. My view goes down in his hands.
"You love me?" He asks surprised. His eyes wide and somehow excited to hear more.

I look up at him with an embarrassed and broken look.
"Y/N.. Answer me, please.."
"I.." I shouldn't be here.. "never mind Harry.." I said now looking away and opening the door to get out.
"Y/N.." Harry says while taking my hand, expecting I stay I just look at him and..
"Forget it all Harry.. Forget this, forget me.. Just forget it all.." and I get out of the car to walk in the street until find my home.

My face has a sad look, probably showing a desillusion.

I expected Harry different; a lovely guy who was romantic and unforgettable. He is, or at least showed me, someone cold and empty but somehow, still unforgettable for me, but I just walked away from him. I can't expect forget him this fast..

All I want to think of is in my bed, in my lovely pillow, in my apartment. It is always there, it never leaves me, it never hurts to love it.

Tears grows in my eyes as I try to make my mind think is something else but Harry.
Harry.. I left him on my car, but he let me go and here I am. Walking alone in the lonely and empty streets at midnight.

Tears falls down my cheeks while I walk one more block thinking that I shouldn't support him as I did the last date and I shouldn't date him again.

I remember he dropped his beer in me. I shouldn't be there. It wasn't a date, we were on a party. His party, with people I didn't knew and after what he did I remember staying with him until the morning cleaning the place to go alone in my car to my apartment. It wasn't a date.

Maybe all of this had to happen and so I could realize that I shouldn't expect people be of some way they really aren't.

I walk two more metres still crying to feel something. A presence behind me.

It's too late for me when I turn around to see who is. Too late to see but not to feel some warm lips kissing mines. My eyes goes closed knowing who is; Harry.

Our lips sync and gets deepest in each other lips.

His soft hands with his long fingers goes in the back of my neck to press me still closer and the kiss gets deeper. My hands runs in his back with my fingertips feeling every detail of his long back.

The sweet kiss gets desperate and passionate while he gives some steps and crashes me against the wall of a building.

We both push away looking for air after drowning in each other, feeling every single part of each other in that kiss.

"I love you.." he says breathing heavy, but still in front of me, making me feel the mint from his mouth.
My hands still on his back, his hands running in my arms and our foreheads touches..
"What?" I ask not believing what he just said and expecting it was part of my imagination.
"I love you." He said taking away his hands from my arms to catch the tears that were on my face.
"Do you?" I ask desperate to know that he feels the same.
"I do.. Do you?" He also asks looking at my eyes"
"I love you.." Is what I say and he stared at my lips and I see what his eyes says..

He smiles and look at my eyes one more time before I smile and kiss him again.

We finish kissing the whole night, sitting in some stairs, in each other's arms waiting for the twilight.

"I love you." He says while the first sun rays kisses both of our skins.
"I love you" I say smiling, knowing we can be more than just a date.
"I'm sorry.." he finally says.
"I'm sorry too.."
"I'll never forget you Y/N.. No matter what happen to you or me or us.. I'll never forget, so please, never forget me."
"You're all in my mind, you're everything. I won't forget.." I say at his words.
His words; that ones that are making me feel constant butterflies.
"Kiss me.." he says and so that's what I do.

We kiss giving the welcome to the sun and the new day. A new day and a new life.. Harry.

The End

Hey again! So I updated!! I think I'm getting better in this. Hope you liked. And remember.. If you need something, whatever it is, I am here whenever you need someone. Never forget we are the best team mates!! Harry just said it :)
All the love.xx

-Fiore :)

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