Imagine 13.

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Imagine 13: Hey Beautiful.

Harry and you were walking around the mall, checking out clothes or instruments or even stuff to finish decorate the house you both were now sharing.

You've been together for almost a year but your relationship was so unique that things happened fast.

It wasn't like any other relationship. It was the kind of relationship that makes you feel like you don't have to pretend to be someone else and the need to say what you really wanna say is strong, making both of you an open book. It felt like you found yourself in him, you found a missing piece, no matter how cliché that sounded, it was exactly the way it felt. It felt right to be with him.

"Hmm! Look at that!" You said as you slightly squished his hand so that you both stopped walking to check out what the store showed.

It was a stuffed animal really huge, a bear. You always wanted one.
You kept watching the stuffed animal and saw from the corner of your eye that Harry looked at you calmly. You looked back at him, he had this weird shine in his eyes and looked at you with admiration and pride.

You were confused and looked back at the store to notice it was a store with Baby stuff. It had beds, perfumes, covers and stuffed animals. You realized why he looked at you that way and you blushed.

"Uh... I-I didn't mean-" You stuttered as you talked to him nervously.

"Shh, it's okay." He interrupted you and cupped your face with his big, soft hands and looked deeply into your eyes. "You know, you always say everything is about time and I agree with that philosophy." He sighed. "I agree but we both know this, what we have, is special." He caressed your cheek with his thumbs. "You just tell me when you're ready and I'll be there with you and whoever comes by." Your eyes were wide.

It was a confusion. He thought you wanted to have a child with him and you didn't dislike the idea but didn't think of it at all. You froze until you heard something from afar. It sounded like a drum but it wasn't.

The second you realized those were bullet noises Harry already had held your hand and you both started running away.

You didn't want to look back, you just wanted to keep running until you both were safe but you could feel it. You could feel they were close and you could feel it all coming as you held Harry's hand firmly and yelled "I love you!" You heard the bullet and as fast as the sound reached your ears, you felt the pain. You both fell to the floor. You cried, you knew they shot him but it hurt as if they shot you.

His eyes were looking at the ceiling and then you. He looked sleepy and tired. Blood started coming from his back. You grabbed his hands, your hands were bloody.

He cupped your cheeks, staining them with blood, it'd be the last time you'd feel his soft hands in your skin.

"You are the only one. You're the right one. I'm forever yours." He whispered.

"Harry! I'm forever yours too." You sobbed. "P-Please, d-don't you dare leave me."

He smiled weakly. "Bye beautiful." He closed his eyes with a smile in his face.

The first time you met, he told you the words hey beautiful and kept saying them as he joked while you both cooked, as you were mad and he hugged you from your back in the bed and as you cried. Now it finally was a bye beautiful. And with that, what you shared, died with him.

"H-Harry!" You couldn't speak. You had no voice, your hands kept shaking and you were feeling cold as the snow but were sweating as if you were being melted and faded away in the air.

You gasped as someone grabbed you from your back and put a metallic material in the back of your head.

"Dare to yell and you're dead." A man said from behind. You kept crying. You had nothing left to keep living for.

"Just kill me." You whispered. "JUST FUCKING KILL ME. AHH!" You screamed as loud as your lungs let you but the man didn't kill you.

He and someone else started taking you away. Away from Harry's body, away from your happiness and your life. The worst of all, was that they kept you alive while doing so.

As you got far from Harry's body, you screamed and cried his name. His beautiful name, the name of the person with the most beautiful eyes and kindest heart. One minute and your whole life changed.







Hey beautiful.


"Hey! Beautiful! Hey! WAKE UP!"

You opened your eyes to find yourself in the room. You looked next to you in the bed and the fact no one was there was enough to confirm it wasn't just a nightmare but-

"Hey, you alright? You worried me." A laugh came out of those lips.

You slowly turned your head next to you.

There he was. Kneeling down next to you. His hair was wet and full of foam, and he had a towel around his hips, showing he got out of the shower as fast as he could.

"OH SHIT!" You screamed and literally jumped into his arms. You both fell to the floor but you didn't care.

You were upon him hugging his naked and humid torso as you closed your eyes.

He laughed.

"You okay, babe?" He asked putting his hands in your back.

You didn't reply.

"You okay?" He repeated. You sighed and sat upon him to give little kisses all over his face.

"Never." you kissed him "Ever." you kissed him again "Let." another kiss "Me." other kiss "Keep." a kiss "Sleeping." another one "If." another one "I." another "Scream." another "Your." another kiss "Name." And one last kiss.

He chuckled. "Had a nightmare, huh?"

"The worse of them all. Just..." you cupped his face and leaned closer and sighed "I love you." You kissed him slowly and tried to show how much you appreciated him through that kiss.

"Never leave." You whispered leaning your forehead in his forehead. His face was now serious.

"You had a real bad nightmare, hmm?" He mumbled.

You smiled and kissed his nose. You were unexplainably glad he was right there, right now.

Harry made dreams look not as interesting as reality. Not if he was there to be a dream come true.


Hope you liked this one. Have a good week! :)

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