Girls Will Be Girls

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**3 Months Earlier**

Staring out of the window of my mom's car, I put my headphones in to try and block out any noise. I blasted my favorite songs from my recently created playlist. My older sister was talking nonstop, and my two little evil twin brothers were next to me picking their boogers. I still did not fully understand how I was a part of this family.

My dad was always away on business trips and so was my mom, but today, Lucinda, our nanny, had taken off for the day, which led to my mom having to drive us to school. Many people would think that my mother was stuck up and could care less about her children, but she cared about everyone in the family, but sometimes a little too much. Both of my parents were super overprotective, even if they were never home. Having parents that were widely known across the coast led them to keep a close watch over everything their children did. 

We finally arrived to the entrance of Roundtop High. Despite sufficient funds, I refused to be enrolled in a private school. I attempted to go to the all-girls one in my county but it just did not seem right. My parents were perfectly fine with enrolling me in my town's public high school.

I quickly hopped out of the car and sprinted to the entrance. I didn't need any attention today. I then spotted my two best friends, Shelly and Clara. They spotted me and waved. I waved back and headed towards them as they were talking near my locker.

"Oh my gosh. Did you see Sean today?" Shelly exclaimed to Clara. Sean Ackard was one of the popular boys and was best friends with Luke Simon. I would say that I didn't think they were worth talking about, but then I would be lying knowing that they were both the hottest boys in the school. Seeing as though this high school didn't have a lot of attractive boy to chose from, Luke and Sean stood out the most.

"Yes! I did. He was so cute in his tight shirt. OMG, and did you see his-"

"Can you girls talk about something else besides those boys? They have been the only thing you guys talk about nowadays." I whispered to them so that no one would look my way.

"Just because you had a bad time being partners with Sean in chemistry, doesn't mean we can't talk about him." Shelly yelled at me getting everyone's attention now. She then quickly noticed and turned red.

"Come on. We're going to be late." Clara told us and pulled us to our first period class. It was such a coincidence that we had mostly all of our classes together, I enjoyed having someone to talk to besides the wall like I have been doing ever since kindergarten.


The last period bell finally rang and I met the girls near Clara's parked car.

"Hey girls. Wanna' come to my house? It's a Friday night and I really need some girl time. My family is driving me crazy." I said to both of them.

"Sure, but I need to grab some things from my house. I have some cool new hairstyles I want to try-" Clara cut Shelly off before she could explain any further. As we were all growing up and in high school, some of us more than others were more concerned about our appearance, including growing more boy crazy as the years went on. 

"Yeah me too. I'll see you guys later." Clara said and we all made our separate ways. My annoyingly perfect sister was waiting for me in the parking lot with her annoyingly perfect boyfriend. I would personally rather walk home.

"Hurry up sis! I need to get my nails done." Stella, my sister, yelled. I then hopped in the back seat of her white Range Rover and shoved my bag next to me and drowned out her obnoxious bragging and gossiping. I really hope I didn't turn out like her when I'm her age, all she did was talk about pointless drama while her boyfriend stared off into the distance and pretended to listen to her. I quickly plugged my headphones in and blasted my current playlist for the rest of the ride home.


Sorry. This is really short. I hope people are reading this. If you are please please please comment so I can keep writing.


Sneaking OutOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora