Fun, Freedom, and Fights

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**Ashley's POV**

It was around the evening when we finally made it to the boardwalk. The sun was starting to set. Before we got to the boardwalk, Luke decided to stop somewhere to get something to eat. There was a small restaurant a couple blocks over from the hotel in walking distance. 

As we entered the small diner, the smell of fresh cooked pies entered my nose. Various amounts scattered the clean granite counter tops. A petite woman sat behind the cash register, reading a very thick book. Luke had to clear his throat to get the elderly woman's attention, but as soon as she looked up, her eyes brightened and a sterling smile was displayed on her face.

"Welcome! Follow me." She said when she saw the two of us. Luke and I followed the woman over to a booth that was far away from the ruckus of the kitchen. There were only a few other people throughout the diner. 

"Here's your menus. Your waitress will be with you soon." The lady then smiled and I returned her gesture with a 'thank you' and a quick smile. As soon as she left, my stomach let out a loud grumble. It was just then that I realized how hungry I was, and so did Luke.

"Well, looks like we have to feed the beast." Luke smirked as he scanned over his menu. I then lightly kicked his leg under the table. 

"Hey, do you remember our first date?" Luke asked. 

"Yeah, that was probably the best night ever." I said back to him. Luke then quickly leaned over the small table and pecked me on the lips.

"We have to do this more often." He whispered to me. I agreed back and left him another kiss. But, to my chagrin, someone cleared their throat to the side of us. As soon as I sat back down and looked at the interrupting stranger, I realized it was our waitress, Anita. We gave her our orders and the food didn't take long to be served. We enjoyed our meals and made small talk for the time being.

"So, the concert starts in about an hour, do you still wanna' check out some stores?" Luke asked me as the waitress left with our bill and plates.

"Yeah, if we have time. How long do you think the concert will last?" I asked him. He then shrugged his shoulders and stared out the window. 

"This sure has been a very eventful vacation. I just want to travel the world with you," He said to me. I smiled and took his hand in mine as we got up to leave. We were all smiles as we thanked the welcoming old lady on our way out. 

"Oh my gosh! Me too! I've always wanted to go to Dubai. Oh, and the Grand Canyon. We should do that when we turn eighteen." I excitedly said.

"Well, we do have to go to college." I then rolled my eyes and spoke again.

"We don't have to start college right away, and besides, I haven't really looked into any." I said as I sipped my tea.

"Yeah, you're absolutely right. I don't even think I'm going to college. I'd just rather go on adventures with you." Luke said. I then frowned and stared at him.

"Luke, you have to! If you can't afford it I can help you out or you can get a scholarship!" I said excitedly. He then rolled his eyes and looked out the window.

"Ashley, I can worry about my future, you worry about your's." 

"Honestly, I can picture you in my future." I quietly said, hoping he didn't hear it. But, he did and he quickly grabbed my hand.

"You are too! But, I don't want you to cancel any plans just because of me. I'm pretty sure that your parents want you to go to college, and become successful. I only want the best for you too. You deserve it." Luke smiled.

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