Meeting Skylar

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**Ashley's POV**

As I laid in my bed, I glanced at my alarm clock and groaned. I did not want to go back to school. After the hospital, I came straight home and slept for days. Now, I had no choice but to go back.

After getting ready, eating breakfast, and getting a ride from Shelly, I made my way through the school doors to be greeted by my number one fan: Luke Simon. Ever since the incident at the playground, he has not yet left my side. Everyday after school, he would either come to my house to check up on me, or come through my window when it was dark out. Through the week of me being out of school, we bonded a lot. From him telling me about his family and me the same. I started to like the idea of us becoming friends. Not only did we learn a lot about each other, we actually ended up finishing our product. It was his idea for us to finish quicker so that we had more time to hang out and socialize.

"Hey," I spoke to him.

"Hey buddy. I missed you yesterday, where were you?" He then slung his arm around my shoulders and I shrugged it off.

"Friends. Remember?" I looked at him and he nodded in return with a smirk on his face.

"I know. I know. So, answer my question!" He then said to me. Why was he so concerned about me all the time? Oh right, he was protecting me from a blood-thirsty gang.

"Calm down, stalker," He then glared at me a let me continue, "I was at my grandmother's and she has this whole cell phone policy. Trust me, I would have rather talked to you than her all day. I think my headache is coming back." He then snickered and opened the classroom door for me.

As we entered the room, Mr. Jones, our science teacher, started speaking, "Okay class, as you all know, your projects are due next Monday. Now let's begin." He then started to teach the class and sleepiness was starting to take over my whole body.

After about 40 minutes of babbling about God-knows-what, Luke tapped my shoulder roughly and told me to wake up. I then quickly scurried out of the classroom with him trailing behind me.


"Hey girl. So how was your day?" Clara spoke to me as we hopped into her car.

"Okay I guess. Boring as usual. How about you?"

"Fine. Where's Shelly?" she asked me. Shelly was never late. So, I opened the door and started to peer around the parking lot to find a big group of men surrounding something, or someone. I then quickly remembered what Luke told me about his gang and told Clara to stay in the car. I then called Luke, and he picked up on the first ring.

"Hey. What's up?" Luke spoke back.

"In the front parking lot, ther-there's a big group of men and I don't know where Shelly is. Help-" Before I could say 'bye' and hang up, I saw Luke sprinting out of the building towards the group of men. All I could hear were his horrible curse words and fiery dripping from his mouth.

"What the hell are you doing here?!' He yelled at them in a loud, disturbing voice.

"Oh...just checking up on your little girlfriend here. I hope that's okay with you-" said a sleazy, 40 year old man. I was scared shit-less for Shelly and I needed to know if she was safe. When I started to walk over, Luke glared at me and mouthed me to get back. Just when he did that, one of the men glanced towards me and started to come my way. I then panicked and looked for Luke.

"Or is this your little girlfriend?" The man said. 

I then saw Luke with Shelly wrapped in his arms, both without injuries. I silently prayed to myself and looked in front of me to find the group of men making their way towards me. Luke yelled at them to stop, but they didn't. Before any of them could touch me, Luke dragged me and Shelly into Clara's car and told her to drive.

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