Perverse Parental Guidance

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**Ashley's POV**

When I got home, my parents weren't in the best of moods. They received a call from the police station that arrested Louis, and they explained everything to them. I was panicking right when I stepped into the kitchen as they sat at the island.

"What the hell, Ashley?" My dad said. He rarely ever cursed and hearing him say the smallest inappropriate word, sent chills down my spine. "You could've gotten yourself killed! Do you know how worried we were when we received that phone call? And you lied to us!" My dad continued to ramble. My mom on the other hand didn't even speak a word, which surprised me at most.

"Ashley, your father and I have agreed that you are not allowed to see Luke anymore. A girl like your age should not even be involved in this stuff," My mom finally spoke up. This time, I wasn't rolling my eyes. My chest clenched in pain and I found myself slowly sinking to the ground.

"What?!" I cried, slow tears streaming down my face. "I love him so much. You just can't break something up like that! Are you crazy?! I'm safe and not hurt!" I yelled at both of them.

"Ashley Marie Tanner! Don't talk to us that way," my father continued to yell, louder and louder, "Not only will you not be allowed to see Luke anymore, you are grounded for a month and your cellphone is taken away!"

And that's when I broke.

I ran to my room, snatched my phone, wallet, and keys, and sprinted out of the house as fast as I could. I could hear my parents yelling after me, but I couldn't listen to them, I wouldn't.

My foot hit the gas pedal and I was speeding down the road. My phone rang numerous times, but I didn't even take a glance at it. Ever since Luke and I got back, Skylar, Luke, and Blake, bought a small apartment ten minutes away from my house.

And that's where I was headed.

The drive went by in a blur. I was constantly wiping my wet eyes with my shaking hands. My phone wouldn't shut up, so I decided to just shut it off. My parents didn't know where Luke was staying, so I knew they wouldn't come looking. 

Taking the keys out of the ignition, I opened the door slowly and hopped out of my Jeep. The air was getting cooler, due to the summer coming to an end. The building was fairly tall with a couple stories. I remembered the apartment number and quickly ran to the second floor.

When I reached the door, I knocked on it slowly. Taking a deep breath to try and calm down my nerves, I kept my gaze straight ahead. The door finally creaked open, with Luke staring at me with concern.

"Ashley, what's wrong-" Before he could finish speaking, I ran to him and hugged him, not wanting to let go. I could feel Luke moving to shut the door behind him. The apartment was quiet, seeming like Skylar and Blake weren't home. 

"Luke, my parents..." I couldn't find myself to speak. Luke then let go of me and sat me down on a plush couch.

"What's wrong?" He asked me as he gently wiped away the tears on my face. I then grabbed his hand and looked into his eyes.

"My parents said that we can't see each other anymore." I said quietly, not wanting to look him in his eyes. Luke refused by forcing my chin up gently with his large hand.

"What? Why?" He asked.

"My parents found out what happened with Louis and they're blaming it all on you. They said that I could never see you again." I said, tears still free falling from my now puffy eyes.

Luke was silent for a while, contemplating on what to do. After a few minutes, he spoke up.

"But, I mean how can they find out if we just kept it a secret? We can see each other in school and you could lie to them when we meet up." Luke said as he ran a hand through his messy hair.

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