Passing Out

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**Ashley's POV** 

"Ashley. I need to let you know what you're getting yourself into," Luke said to me calmly. 

"This is just the beginning. What consequences are you talking about? We just started talking," I spoke to Luke before he cut me off and began to speak again. 

"Okay. This might take a while but you need to listen carefully with no interruptions." Luke reassured me calmly. I then nodded and urged him to speak on. 

"Let's say that I'm in a gang. I do bad things and once other people in this gang find out that you and I started talking and hanging out, they will get very angry."

"What kind of 'bad things' " I spoke back to him with complete shock. I knew that Luke had a dark secret, but I did not know he was in a gang. I started to feel nervous and scared. 

"I'll explain it to you later. Just being out in public together can be dangerous. I can't have them seeing that you're with me." He said. 

"I don't understand," I said, "Why can't you just get out and tell the cops? For Christ's sake Luke you're only 16! I can't be talking to someone with this much baggage."

"That's the thing..." He then spoke to the ground. "telling the police would just make things worse."

This was so overwhelming. Who would've thought that a simple high school crush would end up like this? Luke paying attention to me and spending time with me made me fall for him even more. How could I possibly give all of that up? Past relationships never felt this way. I was overwhelming myself to no extent and I started to feel dizzy and darkness was starting to surround me. This hasn't happened to me since my grandmother died.  

All I remembered was Luke screaming my name. It seemed like he was miles away, but in reality, my head was rested on his lap. After that, I slipped into an unknown world and came back down to Earth to find myself in a hospital. I could feel the IVs pumping unknown liquids into my arms and was quickly wakened up to see my mom silently crying on the side of my hospital bed.  

"Oh my gosh. Honey, are you alright? Your friend brought you to the hospital in his arms. I was so scared. You said you were going on a walk and you never came back!" My mom said to me, some tears streaming down her face. 

Before my mother could finish, a doctor came into my view. 

"Ma'am. It would be best for her if you just leaved her alone and let her rest. She suffered a minor panic attack, but no internal damage has resulted. She will be fine and ready to go home when she is well rested." My mom then nodded and came up to the bed. 

"Honey, I will be back soon. I'm just going to go home to speak to your father and I will grab you some clothes." I then gave her a quick kiss on her cheek and said my goodbyes.  

After about 30 minutes, Luke came into my room with a worried look on his face. Before he could say anything, I spoke up to break the awkward tension. 

"Hey," I spoke with a soft smile, "I'm fine, no need to worry. This hasn't happened to me in a while and I stopped taking my medicine. I thought I was getting better but after you telling me all that stuff...I don't know. How are you?" He then came over to my bed and sat down on the edge, trying not to cause me any harm. I then patted a spot on the bed that I wasn't occupying and he sat closer to me. 

"I didn't know what to do. One minute you were fine, the next you were out cold. I was so scared. It's all my fault." He looked like he was about to cry. I just wanted to hug him and tell him that everything was alright. But, things weren't and I tried to stay positive.  

"It is absolutely not your fault-" 

"Yes it is. If it weren't for me, you wouldn't be here. I didn't know what to do and I felt guilty that I could possibly harm you. I just couldn't live with myself. So, I stayed outside your door all night, wondering if you were okay..." He kept rambling on as he looked down at the floor. I found his state of emotions kind of cute and took his hand laying across his leg. He then looked up to me and then down to our intertwined hands and smiled softly. 

"Don't worry Lukey," I spoke to him in a high-pitched voice, hoping to lighten up the mood, "I am perfectly fine. I just need to rest. I would love it if you stayed here with me. That's all I'm asking." He then walked over to the chair next to my bed, pulled it as close to the bed as possible, and sat down, still keeping our hands together. I put our past conversation aside and just lived in the moment, trying to calm down my nerves. I then drifted off to sleep. 

When I woke up, I was confronted by my mother and father yelling at Luke. 

"What do you think your doing in here?!" my father yelled, "Who are you?" Both my mom and dad were staring at Luke, but the only one who seemed to be upset was my father. 

"Sweetie," my mom calmly spoke to my dad, "You are going to wake Ashley up, if it wasn't for this kind, young man, Ashley could've been god-knows where. He was the one that brought her to the hospital. So, the least you could do is thank him." I was surprised by what my mother just said. She usually took my father's side.  

I was starting to get agitated and spoke up. 

"Would you guys just shut up?" I was just as surprised as everyone else in the room, but I needed some peace and quiet.  

"Mom and Dad. I don't need you right now. So, can you please just leave? I'll call you if I need anything." I spoke to them. They then left with suspicion written all over their faces as they looked between Luke and I, wondering why I didn't dismiss him like I did to them.  

"Woah. Ms. Perfect Daughter just told her parents to shut up and leave? I'm liking this new Ashley." Luke spoke to me with a smirk on his face. I then went back to sleep. 

**Luke's POV** 

I sat there still in shock as to why she never let go of my hand. I just smiled to myself and looked at her sleeping. She was peaceful and content. That was all I wanted her to be. I wanted her to be happy and safe, but I knew I couldn't keep her that way for long. It didn't seem like she was going anywhere and I was so scared to invite her into my hectic life.  

I was never around Sasha enough for the boys to pay attention to her. But now that Ashley is more involved in my life and seems to want to stay, the boys might sense something's up. None of them have any girlfriends because they believe that girls get in the way of the business. Knowing that one of their members was involved with a girl would send the wrong message. The boys always made false assumptions and jumped to the wrong conclusions. All I knew was that I needed to tell her everything and keep her safe. 

I trusted her with all these things because I knew she could keep them to herself. It's weird how I never noticed her until this year. Her simple brown eyes were more beautiful than ever. Everything about her stood out to me now that I knew who she was. I've grown up all my life thinking that I needed some bad girl with no commitment, but with Ashley, I realized that I wanted the complete opposite. 

All I needed to do was to keep her safe, and I was going to do that. 


Kind of short, but OH WELL. It's better then nothin'. Tell me what you think of Lukely's budding relationship. Give me suggestions as to where they should run off to. Byeeee!!! <3


2 Years Later: Made A LOT of changes. I changed the gang's angle on not liking Ashley. If any of you have ever watched Nikita (it's on Netflix, 10/10 recommend) the Division agents aren't allowed to have any love interests because they believe it would get in the way of their job/assignments. So that's the angle that I'm changing it to because it makes much more sense. 

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