School Thang |-/ Part 2

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Hey you guys! I'm back. Please comment or give some kind of feedback. Pretty please. 

Heads up Wattpad doesn't add the indents/new lines I put and its really annoying but its not my fault.


William hauled his net back into the boat. It was heavier than any other catches he's had in his whole fishing career. He smiled as hope swelled in his chest. A full load of Wish Fish would make up for all the times he didn't catch anything. With one final tug William pulled the net's contents onto the boat. He stared at it in shock. The thing he caught was definitely not a Wish Fish. Wish Fish fins were not that large, they didn't have arms, and they definitely did not have human faces. William stared at the thing and the thing stared back.


Glenn froze as the human stared at him. He had heard legends of humans from the other Merfolks but he never expected to be this close to one. They had spent a whole  two  minutes just staring at each other when the awkward silence became too much for Glenn.

"So." Glenn cleared his throat. He didn't know what to say after that incredible conversation starter.

"So." William responded. "You're a mermaid."

"Glenn the Merman actually. You're a human, correct?"

"Yeah. I'm William the Human. Nice to meet you Glenn. Don't you need to be in water to breathe." William wasn't exactly sure if he was dreaming or if this was reality yet.

"That's a myth. My gills work in water and in air." Glenn paused for a second. "Humans are the creatures with the putrid smelling feet right?" William nodded slowly. "Great! Would you mind doing a favor for me?"


 Glenn explained his special situation to William. William had some slight difficulties wrapping his mind around the plan.

"So you're king of an underwater country called Maria and an wicked mermaid wants to take your crown?" William asked just to be sure. Glenn nodded. He was losing his patience. "And the only way to defeat her is to lure her in and force her to smell my feet?" 

"That is correct." 

"That doesn't even make sense! How does foot stench kill someone? What about you won't it kill you too!" William's eyebrows furrowed together in confusion.

"Nothing about this makes sense William." Glenn rolled his eyes. "We won't even be killing her. She'll turn into a sea urchin and I'll have a nose plug so I can't smell your nasty feet." William frowned. He didn't think his feet smelled that bad. "No more questions? Good, lets get this show on the road!"


William hid behind a rock his bare toes digging into the warm sand. Glenn was luring Selene to the shore for the attack. He knew that she was too tricky to be held for long by his guards.

"Come here Selene! Glenn Gill is right here! Just chillin all by my lonesone!" Glenn yelled into the water. Soon enough a figure cut through the water. 

"Glenn you foolish boy." It was Selene. "Are you surrendering your crown to it's rightful owner, me?"

"Quite the oppisote actually. Now William!" Glenn shouted plugging his nose tightly. William hoped out from behind the rock and jumped into the water at full speed. He ninja kicked Selene in the face then tripped and collasped into the salty water.

"What have you done!" She yelled as she slowly dissolved into a sea urchin. "I will be back!"

Glenn high fived William with the hand that wasn't plugging his nose. 


"Thank you for your help William. You are welcome to visit Maria anytime you wish." Glenn said as his guards took Selene the sea urchin down to Maria.

"I'm always willing to help and I'll make sure to clear my schedule for a trip down to Maria." William responded smiling. 

"Hopefully I'll be seeing you soon!" Glenn said as he swam off towards his palace.He needed to prepare a guest room for William.


FEEDBACK PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is the final. Well maybe I'll continue it if I get FEEDBACK! <-<

still love you guys though :3

~Cool Jello B))))))) 

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