im leaving smh

409 6 9

Another tag game
Yayyyyyyyyyyyyy -_-

1. Favorite Avenger?
Probably Captain America but I also love Iron Man and Hawkeye

2. Favorite villain?
Slender man

3. New or old Star Wars?
Well I've only seen the force awakens so new

4. Books or movies?

5. How do you feel about yoga?
It's pretty cool

6. Weirdest thing you can think of involving chocolate?
I once read this Hoodie and Masky fanfic where they licked chocolate syrup off of each other. It was... interesting ;)

7. Favorite dessert?
Mint chocolate chip ice cream

8. Favorite person?
I don't really have a favorite person I hate everyone equally

9. Old Spiderman or new Spiderman?
So I've never really watched all the movies :/ but probably old Spiderman

10. Stony?
Yes yes yes OTP

11. Feelings on Phil's death?
I was so sad but then I saw agents of shield so I'm good now but his death seems really unnecessary

12. Feelings on civil war?
I'm really excited but I'm also kind of nervous I don't want it to destroy my ship.

13. Do you like Bucky Barnes?
I like Bucky. I'm not like a complete crazy fangirl but yeah he's cool.

14.How would I talk a friend out of hurting themselves?
I seriously have no idea. Probably just say someghing crazy and inappropriate and not helpful at all :////

15. Have you ever cut yourself, starved yourself, or harmed yourself in any way?
No no and no

So ill tag people I guess and give them questions

1. Favorite meme?
2. Thoughts on John Cena?
3. Zodiac sign?
4. Favorite sport?
5. Would you stab a stranger for 5 million dollars? The stab would kill them but there would be no witnesses and you would never be arrested for it.


Bye losers

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