A Tour of Our Empire

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Don't forget to check out Every Shade. Message me about the collab if interested

A Tour of Our Empire

Skylander ☺

"If I say I'm at the trap, chances are I mean this one." Zayne said, pushing open the door of the should be condemned white house after she unlocked it. A man stood there with a gun and watched us enter.

The smell was terrible but Zayne seemed to have gotten used to it. We stood in a small room with dirty carpets that had questionable spots on it, a dirty brown couch sat in the far corner next to a table. A few junkies were spread across the room, injecting themselves with liquid poison.

Zayne led me past them and into the kitchen. Two naked woman stood with masks over their mouth, mixing something on the stove.

"This is how they should be. Not stealing the product they making. To ensure that they work naked or I kill them on the spot. No questions asked." Zayne said, "Do you wanna learn to make crack? You go have to anyway. I'll teach you soon."

I just nodded, watching the girls assess me before turning back around to do their jobs. I followed Zayne to the back of the house where the rooms had no doors except one. Soiled mattresses were on the floor in each room except the bathroom which smelled like somebody shitted on the floor and left it sitting there.

"This is my office. Only I and Tubby have the keys to it. You'll get a copy once you learn the ropes babe." Zayne said, touching my hips and bringing them back into her. "I know you ain't used to this but well, there's no way to make this sound better so I'll just stop there."

I laughed, shaking my head at her. She led me downstairs where three men stood with heavy guns.

"This where they package shit. They also gotta be naked or they die. The guards aren't naked but if something comes up missing, they're the first to go." Zayne said, eyeing them before leading me bcak upstairs.

"And this is only one?" I asked, astounded at how she kept track of who was at which house and what house made what.

"Yes. Ready for the next house?" Zayne asked.

At The Last House..

We went to four different houses including the one from earlier. She also showed me some of our connection's houses and where her crew lived. She pointed out drug dealers who belonged to us and kicked the ones who weren't ours out of the streets. She showed me the dynamics of making a drug deal before we pulled up at the house Big Boss wanted to meet at.

It was empty but was one of his trap houses in furthest point down North, closest to the East side.

We walked in with Tubby who met us there. We sat down in the makeshift office, in three chairs provided. Big Boss sat at the desk, looking at us.

"What happened to your face?" He asked, his eyes fixed on Zayne.

"Got into a fight. Nigga dead now so it don't matter." She said.

He nodded before eyeing Tubby and I. He smiled slightly when he saw how nervous I was.

"So, this was my plan. I supply you with soldiers, weapons, and who exactly to go after. Some people like Fernando will need a group of people to kill him because he's a thug. But some of them like Blaze for example, ain't shit. They don't need an army." Big Boss said before his eyes landed on me. "Can lil shawty shoot?"

"I've been taking her too the range. She ain't that bad." Zayne said.

Big Boss nodded, "Good. You got some powerful enemies. Somebody out for ya head. Putting 50,000 on ya head."

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