Chapter 4

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Quick Note: A dedication goes out to @Tainted_Red for making me an awesome trailer for this story. If you haven't saw it yet, please go check it out! (It's on the side --> ) Thank you again @Tainted_Red! (:

Please read the Author's Note at the end. .

& I hope you enjoy! (:



I went to wash my hands as the house phone started ringing. I quickly dried my hands on a dish towel and went into the living room to get the phone off the receiver.

I hadn't seen the number before, but decided to answer the call anyways since it was a L.A number, "Hello?"

"Well, I'm so glad I called at the right time to get you to answer the phone. Do you know how long I've waited to hear your sweet voice again?" I automatically knew who the voice belonged too. The only voice that haunts my dreams every now and then since he'd broken out of jail.

I let out a gasp and let loose of the phone which made it fall out of my hand and come crashing down onto the floor. I didn't know when Talon got back home, but soon I found myself in his arms holding him tight. He kept asking me if I was alright and what happened, but I was lost in my own thoughts to even answer him. All I could think of was that he found me and if I should tell Talon or not. .


We Lost Control - Chapter 4

: : Talon's POV : :

"And done," I said to myself as I finished the last set of paperwork on a case for Mr. Hart.

I looked over on my wall, in my empty office, to look at the clock and saw that it was four o'clock. Jessica was probably starting dinner for us now. The thought of Jessica and acting like a house wife, brought a smile on my face.

I quickly gathered everything up for Mr. Hart and took them to his office, so I could get out of here as fast as possible. Mr. Hart, or Josh, had put me on paperwork duty today since he had to call me to get my ass in the office and because I was about twenty minutes late, but I think he also done it because he knew I was probably fooling around with Jess - which obviously I was.

I walked out of my new office with every stack of paperwork, that had its own file for each case, in my hand as I walked across the building to Mr. Hart's office door.

Once I got their, I put all the paperwork in one hand as I tried to balance myself and the case files, as I knocked on Mr. Hart's door.

"Come in!" I heard his voice boom from the other side of the door.

I quickly entered the room, closing the door behind me. Mr. Hart was on the phone as I entered. He said his goodbye's once he saw it was me and put the phone on the receiver, ending his call. He turned and looked at me, then after a moment I figured he was waiting for me to speak my business.

I cleared me throat and said, "Sir, I finished the paperwork you've given me and I was wondering if I could head out now?"

Mr. Hart glanced at the clock on his wall, which said four-twenty, and nodded his head before saying, "Sure, but come on in and have a seat for a little while. I need to have a little chat with you. You can set the files down right here."

I laid the files down at the corner of his desk like he said, then sat at one of the seats in front of desk and waited until he began to talk.

"Talon, I know you love my daughter and I know you really want this job. I've thought of you like my own son, since your parents aren't that. . involved in your life anymore, but since you started dating, now engaged, to my daughter I've not really saw you as someone who was my son, but someone who can break my daughter's heart. I don't want that to happen, but I want to tell you that this job takes a lot of effort and time. You can't be late like you was today, I can't call you to remind you that you have a job to report to and to stop fooling around you my daughter." Mr. Hart said as he stared at me, trying to get the point across.

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