Chapter 10

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Please read the Author's Note at the end. .

I hope you enjoy!



"Okay, so why don't you take some cops and go to that address, get the son of a bitch and bring my sister back!" Danny said looking over at the detective.

"It's not that simple. I need proof that that's actually him, I'll have the run the name Jordan Mathews to match everything up perfectly, then I'd have to get a signed document from the judge for a search warrant and arrest him," Detective Cruz said while looking at us.

"That's bull shit!" I yelled at him before looking at the piece of paper in Josh's hands.

"It's protocol."

"No! It's a bunch of shit!" I yelled at him again before making my way towards the door in his office.

"Where are you going?" I heard Marisa's soft voice ask.

I turned my head a bit, enough to look at everyone behind me. My eyes landed on the detective before glared at him while saying, "To get some air."

I opened his office door, walked out then made my way outside. It was a bit chilly since it was around two o'clock in the morning now, but I didn't mind. The coldness numbed my body, making me unable to feel pain on the outside. I just wished it would help the pain I felt on the inside.

I was constantly breathing in and out trying to calm myself down, but all I could think about was the detectives words running through my head. It pissed me off beyond belief. My mind wandered to the paper that held Jordan's picture on it. I couldn't quite remember the phone number on the paper or the street address, but I could remember the house number. I just hope there aren't multiple number's with the same house number in this city.


We Lost Control - Chapter 10

: : Jessica's POV : :


That was my first thought, instinct, feeling, and emotion since that dreadful day I finally regained consciousness from falling on the floor from the impact of Jordan's punch. My cheek was bruised and split on the inside where my back teeth sliced it open from the hit. My wrist and hip were both bruised from Jordan's hold he had on me and the force I fell against the floor. My head banged against the floor that day, I'm pretty sure that was the reason I passed out. I know have a small, but painful bump there in the spot where I hit my head.


That was another thought, instinct, feeling, and emotion I felt when I woke up that day. I knew that something was strangely wrong with Jordan, that his mind was not functioning right like when I first met him in school and became acquaintances, but I never thought that he would do something so. . cruel to anything or anyone. I know he has anger problems, especially from the fact he lashed out at me when he found out about Talon and I, but that fact that he broke out of prison and kidnapped me because he has some kind of twisted thought that we belong together, it freaks me out and scared of what else he could do if he doesn't get his way.

I shook my head from the scary thought of what else could happen as I sat on the bed and stared out the bared window. That's what I've been doing since the past week I've been her. A week; Seven days, a hundred and sixty-eight hours. It's still hard to be that was the amount of time I've spent in this room. I want to go crazy; to go mad even, but I knew I had to keep my hope up and pray that someone, anyone would find me.

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