Chapter 9

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Quick Note: A dedication goes out to @kissesandbows for reading and commenting on not only this story, but also my other story! Thanks so much! I hope you like this chapter!

Please read the Author's Note at the end. .

I hope you enjoy! :)



I coward back at his anger, mentally scared shitless, but holding a strong front on the outside. I couldn't show him I was scared, I had to prove him wrong. I had to show him I wasn't weak and wasn't going to put up with his crap, "I'm sorry, Jordan. Really. I wasn't sure of my feelings for either of you. I did like you, but. ."

"But not as much as Talon," Jordan said after I left my sentence out in the open.

"Yeah," I whispered before looking back up at him, "but that is no excuse for kidnapping me! You're already in trouble Jordan, so just let me go before you get deeper in trouble."

Jordan looked like he was ready to explode with anger. His whole body was shaking and his hands were in a tight fist at his sides. He was shooting glares at me when suddenly he took about three strides until he stood right in front of me. I pushed myself back as far as I could go, but I didn't go to far since I was already pressed against the wall. Jordan stood in front me, still angry as hell as he brought up one hand around my neck as his thumb roughly ran over my cheek and the other hand rested on my hip, pulling me towards him. I tried my best to fight him and push him away, but I was still weak from earlier and my body ached.

He pulled me until I was completely against his body with his hands still on my cheek and hip, keeping me firmly in place. My hands were resting on his chest as I kept trying to push myself away from him, but it was no use. He lifted my chin up so he could look me straight in the eyes. I could tell he was still fuming with anger, but he managed to suspend some of it enough to smirk down at me.

"Sweetheart, that's the thing. . I'm already in enough trouble so why the hell not kidnap and torture the girl who put me in this mess to begin with?"


We Lost Control - Chapter 9

His smirk stayed on his face after he said those words. Those words kept echoing in my mind over and over again, sending chills down my spin. Little by little my strong-front was crashing back down and when he noticed the smile glimpse of fear that ran through my eyes, his smirk grew bigger if that was possible.

I stood there watching him wide-eyed. His hands still on my chin and hip, both ever so gently running a thumb over my skin on my chin and hip. Wherever he touched me, I wanted so badly to rip myself away from him. His touched burned me. It was like pouring alcohol on a deep wound.

My thoughts were broken out of by a deep chuckle, my eyes went up to meet his. I couldn't tell what he was thinking, but when his one hand moved back and my neck and cheek, he began to rub it as he stared deeply in my eyes; freaking me out a bit, "You are so beautiful."

My heart sped up in a not so good way. I began to panic because I noticed his face was beginning to get closer and closer to mine. His face swerved and went to the side on my face where my ear is. With each word he said, his breath fanned my ear, "Talon doesn't deserve you."

Before I could process what he had said I felt his lips attack my earlobe as he sucked on it before trailing wet kisses to my cheek and all over my face. I was pounding on his chest, trying to get him away from me but it seemed like everything I did wasn't working. The hand that was once on my cheek came down and got a hold both of my wrist before digging his other hand in my hip, I knew it was going to be bruised in the morning, to keep me in place.

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